4 Curiosities Of Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are easy-tempered lizards, very popular as pets. In addition to their docility, they have many more defining characteristics.
4 curiosities of bearded dragons

Bearded dragons are beautiful reptiles from the Australian outback. They are characterized by a friendly character and simple care. The aforementioned attributes and many more make these curious reptiles perfect pets, in fact, bearded dragons are increasingly popular as companion animals.

To be able to care for a bearded dragon, it is essential to know its preferences for habitat, food and much more. If you want to know curiosities about the diet, courtship, care and life of this splendid reptile, continue reading.

1. Bearded dragons: the reptiles of the Australian Outback

Life is not easy in the deserts of the Australian outback, known as the Outback . Stifling temperatures, fearsome predators – such as the dingo – and the lack of resources are the challenges of the day to day in this part of the world, where it is difficult to prosper even for the best adapted animal.

It is in this place where bearded dragons live,  a friendly species of reptile whose facial scales resemble a beard. Although there are several species that we usually include under this nickname, the most popular as a pet and on which we will focus is Pogona Vitticeps.

A pogona on a white background.

2. The beard, the defensive element of dragons

The bearded dragon is a species of varied colors, ranging from dark green – going through red – to gray. These lavish tones can change according to the mood of the animal, as we will see below.

One of the most spectacular physical characteristics of the bearded dragon has to do with its defense mechanisms. If the animal feels threatened or frightened, it can inflate its scaly beard and color it black, a behavior with which it adopts a fearsome appearance that can scare away the adversary.

In addition to defense, some scientific studies have shown that the blackish color of the beard is the result of natural selection among males. As the darker beard is more threatening, this character has been transmitted between generations, since it favors the survival of males who present it during fights.

Male bearded dragons are up to 60 centimeters long and can weigh up to 0.5 kilograms. Its diet is varied, although it consists mainly of small insects and vegetables.

In their natural environment, these animals usually live on the ground or on dry rocks and logs. This primarily terrestrial ecological niche differentiates them from other species of lizards, which are mostly of arboreal tendency.

3. The law of the strongest: social hierarchy of bearded dragons

One of the most outstanding curiosities of bearded dragons is their strong social hierarchy. Therefore, if you decide to adopt a specimen as a pet, you must bear in mind that males can be aggressive towards those of the same species. This makes it advisable not to have more than one male at home.

It is known that, when there are several specimens together, the lizard that occupies the highest place in the terrarium is the dominant male. This tendency to hierarchy is maintained through bloody fights or, more frequently, through ritual gestures.

The most common rituals among males are usually observed with movements of the legs or gestures with the head. These gestures usually prevent a fight between the dominant and a male who tries to take the position from him.

4. Bearded dragons as pets: what you need to know

In general, bearded dragons are docile and human-friendly animals, which makes them excellent companion animals. Given its easy-going temperament, the bearded dragon is often one of the most recommended species for beginning guardians.

For the care of the bearded dragon, you just have to remember a few simple tips for its maintenance. Among them, the following stand out:

  • The most important thing is the temperature of the terrarium. You must recreate the desert climate as much as possible, where the average temperatures of its environment should be between 30º and 36ºC during the day and drop to 21º or 23ºC at night. Relative humidity should not rise above 50%.
  • It is important to also have a UVB light bulb. This is necessary to recreate sunlight and for the bearded dragon to properly absorb calcium from its diet.
  • As for its diet, you must remember that the bearded dragon is omnivorous. It is best to eat fruits and vegetables, but it is necessary to give small insects from time to time. The right food can be purchased at any specialty reptile store.
  • It is also important that the animal has a terrarium with a suitable substrate. The closest thing to its habitat is coarse sand, but you can also use aquarium sand or even paper.

The curiosities of bearded dragons are many.

Bearded dragons are very friendly and peaceful reptiles, coming from the Australian deserts. Thanks to their easy temperament and easy care, they are ideal companion animals for novice keepers.

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