5 Tips To Take Care Of Pets At Christmas

On these very special dates it is possible that your dog or cat suffers great anguish or fright due to the noises of the celebrations; so we give you tips to take care of their well-being
5 tips to take care of pets at Christmas

During the December holidays, many cats and dogs feel nervous or scared and may change their behaviors. It is very important to take care of pets at Christmas, so that they do not experience the stress or anguish caused by fireworks, or by being alone at home. In this article we will give you some tips to cope as well as possible.

Pets and Christmas

Undoubtedly,  the Christmas holidays are a very special time : our house is decorated in a different way, we buy gifts for loved ones and we share copious dinners with our family and friends.

What happens to pets these days when there is so much ‘hustle and bustle’, noises and unusual movements? They can suffer a lot during Christmas, and that is why it is essential that we give them some extra attention to prevent them from suffering too much.

Christmas gifts for cats

Beyond buying him special food, giving him a present, putting on a dress for the occasion or decorating his bed with stars, it is really important that you take care of your pet’s mental and emotional health on these dates.

Why? Well, because to begin with, your dog or cat does not understand what is happening outside the house with so much noise, or inside with so many people from here to there.

Tips for taking care of pets at Christmas

While some animals do not suffer from the noise generated by fireworks, others become very nervous, may become aggressive or relieve themselves anywhere in the house. Those loud sounds upset them and they don’t know how to act, since for them it is synonymous with danger, not celebration.

Christmas pet

That he hides under the table or trembles under the bed is something horrible, but it is even worse that because of his bewilderment he runs away from home and we cannot find him. Keep these tips in mind for taking care of pets at Christmas:

1. Put an identification tag on it

Although this ‘document’ for your dog or cat should be present at any time of the year, it is essential that you have it for the holidays, when they are more likely to run away from home due to fear. That way, it will be easier to get him back if he runs away being scared.

On the other hand, we recommend that you do not tie it in the middle of the garden to prevent it from escaping. Your anxiety and stress will increase the strength of the animal, and it can injure itself on the rope or leash.

2. Play with him

A good idea for the animal to sleep through Christmas night is to tire it out. To do this, we recommend that you take the time between so many preparations and play a little with it.

You can take him to the park if it is a dog, or enjoy a few hours of physical activity at home if you have a cat. The important thing is that the pet discharges all the energy and is quite sleepy. Thus, even if you are somewhat frightened by the fireworks, fatigue will overcome you.

3. Let it hide

Surely you have already noticed that animals seek refuge in certain places when they are scared: it can be in the bathroom, under the bed or table, at your feet or on their mattress.

In any case, we recommend that you do not reprimand or punish him if he decides to do something different than usual.  In his eagerness to protect himself, he can climb on the sofa or even break an object.

4. Play music

If the dog or cat is left alone at home on Christmas or New Year’s night, try to condition the environment as well as possible where it will spend several hours without company. For example, you can put on some instrumental music or leave the television on.

Also put food and water as close as possible to him, and don’t forget his toys and personal items. This way, you will not feel so uncomfortable, you will have fun for a while and you will not lack nutrients or hydration.

5. Opt for home remedies

To take care of pets at Christmas, some owners choose allopathic medicines, Bach flowers or homeopathic tranquilizers, which are available in pharmacies, health food stores and certain veterinarians. These natural remedies are good to relax them, as long as the correct dose is followed.

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