5 Tricks To Make The Dog That Spends A Lot Of Time Alone At Home Happier

5 tricks to make the dog that spends a lot of time alone at home happier

Many dogs, when their owners move away from home, suffer from separation anxiety. This state causes them stress and behaviors that are not appropriate. They tend to break or chew objects and cause serious damage inside your home. But that is not all. These types of habits can be very harmful to your pet’s health and can harm them physically. To avoid this, below we share some recommendations for your little friend to modify this state and of course, your return home is not an unpleasant experience.

What you should know

ansiedad por separacion

Nowadays it is very common for dogs to stay home alone for quite a long time. The work of their owners and their rhythm of life, make the absence very common. If you have a pet, surely when you get ready to go out, you have noticed that your little friend is looking at you with a certain sadness. But don’t be surprised. Well yes, when we move away from animals they miss us and that separation can generate behaviors that are not at all pleasant. However, there are some tricks you can do to eliminate separation anxiety.

The first thing that you should keep in mind and that is a basic rule, is that a tired animal does not cause harm. If before you leave, your pet has used up all his energy, probably when he is alone, he will take advantage of the moment to rest and take a restorative nap. That is why it is very important that before you leave home, he does all the necessary exercise according to his age, race and size.

If a dog has his exercise and play needs met, he is unlikely to suffer from separation anxiety. In that sense, it is recommended that your pet go for a walk at least twice a day. You can plan a routine that suits your time and your little friend.

The best thing is to do two exits that are quite effective. That is,  during the walk, you exhaust a large part of your energy. Along the way, play with him, throw him his favorite toy, and walk or run at a somewhat accelerated pace. Finally, when you get home you will notice that your friend is quite tired and when you leave, he may hopefully want to accompany you to the door.

On the other hand, if your pet is still a puppy and somewhat restless, when he is alone, leave all his toys within reach. That way, they can have fun during your absence. You’ll be entertained and won’t have the need to chew or break items that don’t belong to you.

One tip: remember that dogs love new toys. Also, keep in mind that the object you choose must attract their attention and be made of a material that is appropriate for their age, thus avoiding any type of damage to their health.

Another option is to use some not so conventional methods. Maybe you try leaving the television on and if you have a patio, you can leave it in that space as long as you have the appropriate security measures.

What if you try a company? Without a doubt, that is another alternative. But before you decide on this option, check with your pet’s vet to see if it is the most appropriate. If the answer is positive, try to choose an animal that is compatible with your friend’s character. By the way, pay attention: when you get home try to spread your affection. Do not forget that dogs are usually somewhat jealous and possessive.

On the other hand, if these tricks are not effective, it is best to see a coach. He will be able to provide the proper training to transform separation anxiety into a much calmer behavior.

What things do I have to avoid?

perro solo

When you leave the house,  try to prevent your dog from noticing that you are already leaving. You can confuse it by varying your routine.

If you do not have time to accompany your dog on walks, it is best to hire a dog walker or enlist the help of a relative, friend or neighbor.

If your dog stays in the yard make sure that, in that space, they do not have the possibility of escaping.

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