Care And Characteristics Of A Kramer’s Parrot

Exotic, and with striking colors, Kramer’s parrot is able to repeat a few words
Care and characteristics of a Kramer's parrot

Kramer’s Parakeet is one of the most popular birds in the world. It is also the favorite of many people to have as a pet or companion bird. If that is the case, it is important to know a little more about its characteristics and also all the care it requires to keep it in optimal health conditions.

Characteristics of the Kramer’s Parakeet

The beautiful Kramer’s Parakeet is one of the best known exotic birds. Her beauty, size and temperament have made her one of the favorites to be next to humans. It is ideal to have as a pet bird ; In addition to its beautiful and vibrant colors, it is able, on many occasions, to articulate a few words.

This parrot is considered an exotic bird from southern China and northern India and Africa. Despite these countries of origin, the distribution of the bird is generally quite wide, so it can be found in many corners of the world.

Regarding its physical characteristics, this parrot is approximately 40 centimeters long, which is why it is considered a medium-sized bird. On the other hand, their wings can measure up to 50 centimeters from tip to tip.

With regard to color, the tone of the parrot is usually a very bright and striking green, the legs are gray and the beak is red on the top and black on the bottom.

In addition to the above characteristics, the Kramer parrot has a very particular distinctive. It is a kind of black and pink collar around the neck. This collar is only present in adult males: neither females nor younger males have it.

Kramer's Parakeet: characteristics

Another important aspect of these parrots is their behavior. In general they are very docile and can learn a few words. In addition, they are noisy and also sociable, so they can live with other species such as parakeets or lovebirds, although it should be noted that it is recommended that they always live as a couple.

Caring for Kramer’s Parrot


The feeding of the parrot constitutes a key aspect in the care of this parrot. In this sense, it is important to give it a diet based on oats, sunflower, sweet corn, carrots, herbs, among others.

Another interesting option is to make a special seed mix for parrots. In the case of newly hatched parrots, the ideal is to give them moistened sponge cake, herbs and some grains.


Kramer’s parrots like to gnaw a lot, so it is advisable to give them twigs from different trees so that they can satisfy this need. Another important aspect is always to acquire two parrots: to have a partner for their well-being.

On the other hand, it is important to keep these parrots in high places and that they stay dry. They also like to cool off with lukewarm water, so it is recommended to run them with a spray of clean water from time to time.

Kramer's Parakeet (Psittacula krameri)

Inside the cage it is advisable to place a nest box for them, even if they are not in the breeding season, since they like to spend time inside, especially at night.


These types of birds prefer hot and dry climates, so they do not get along very well with very low temperatures. In these cases, you have to offer them the necessary shelter to keep them healthy. It is also important to consult with the veterinarian about the best options to keep them at the most suitable temperature.


Hygiene is another important aspect to consider. As with any other pet, it is necessary to keep the place where they are in optimal condition. Therefore, it is important to clean the cage regularly and thoroughly once a week. In the same way, it is necessary to sanitize the waterers and food tanks.

Kramer’s Parakeet is one of the best companion birds. Both its size, its behavior and beauty make it ideal to be an ornamental bird.

It is important to take into consideration that it is a very noisy bird, especially if there are neighbors very close. Apart from that, it is a very sociable and intelligent animal, so the person will always feel accompanied.

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