5 Reasons To Live With A Big Dog

5 reasons to live with a big dog

The large dog is one of the most beautiful and fun beings that exist among all dogs, since in addition to its large size, it is usually faithful, affectionate and protective.

Despite the strong myths and prejudices that many people have about large dogs, these animals have been in charge of showing that these are not true.

In fact, although it has been said that the biggest problem with a large canine is that it takes up a lot of space, it is the small ones that often need a larger space. This is due to how nervous they are at times.

Here we will show you 5 reasons to live with a large dog.

They will keep up with you

too human dog

If you are a very active person, this type of dog will be of help to you due to the ease and predilection that many of these have for physical activities.

 These peers usually have enough energy to do exercises that require a lot of effort, such as long walks or hiking.

A clear example of this case can be seen in the beautiful Labrador Retriever called Bumer, who traveled all over Peru and part of Bolivia with his owner.

If your intention is to adopt a dog to accompany you on your adventures and exercises, the most recommended are the Irish Setter and the Brittany Spaniel.

They are great for kids

If you have little ones in the house, the best company you can give them will be that of a large dog. They are ideal both for how playful they are and for how well they get along with children.

It happens that unlike small breed dogs, those of larger size can endure many childish behaviors. Remember that they are very resistant.

In addition to this, these canines tend to easily develop a strong bond with the smallest of the house. They have a great instinct for protection with children.

In the same way, many of these dogs will give your child a lot of fun time, being as playful and tireless as any child.

If you want the little one at home to have the company of a large dog, the most recommended are the Golden Retriever and the Saint Bernard.

A large dog is usually more affectionate

Although it may seem quite a controversial statement, the truth is that large dogs tend to be more affectionate than small ones. It happens that the latter are much more nervous, which slows down the creation of the bond between them and the master.

As you can imagine, not all of them are like that, since for many it is known that some such as the Pug Carlino or the Yorkshire Terrier are the most tender that exist.

However, in larger dogs affection manifests itself more easily, as in the case of the Labrador Retriever, the Dalmatian or the Boxer.

Although this is the case, you must remember that what will make your dog show you his love constantly will always be the treatment and education that you provide him.

They are easier to train

As in the previous case, this does not mean that small breed dogs are not. In fact, there are some that like the Poodle that can be easily trained.

However, some specialists have indicated that, in general, the easiest dogs to train are the large ones. This is due to the rapid analysis capacity.

In fact, when it comes to the most intelligent and obedient dogs in the world, those who figure mostly are those of large breeds. Among these, the Border Collie and the German Shepherd stand out mainly.

They are better protectors

the hairs of the dogs

This is probably the point at which the superiority of the big dog cannot be doubted, to the detriment of the little one. It happens that larger dogs are not only more intimidating, but they have been used to this work for centuries.

If your intention is to have a large dog to protect your home and your family, the most recommended are the Dogo Argentino and the Great Dane.

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