A Woman Accused Of Throwing The Dog She Looked After Into A Channel

A woman accused of throwing the dog she looked after into a channel

Today we are going to tell you another sad story of animal abuse. But as they say, there is nothing that can be hidden. Everything sooner or later comes to light. So it was in the case of this poor dog who died in a canal as a result of the mental problems of a young woman.

How did it all begin?

sausage dogs

With residence in Zaragoza, a Spanish family that had to go on a trip, decided that one of their 28-year-old relatives was the ideal person to stay in charge of their beloved boxer. Nothing is further from reality! But of course, who was to know how far the evil of his heart was going to go?

When the family returned, their dog was missing. We don’t know what the woman said to excuse herself; perhaps he claimed that it had been lost or stolen because it was a purebred and expensive dog. The fact is that everything seemed to indicate that it had been an accident, and although sadness overwhelmed the family there was not much more that could be done. Everything stayed that way.

The appearance on the channel

A neighbor of the town of Zaragoza, noticed a floating bundle wrapped in a sheet in the Imperial Canal of Aragón located near where the dog’s owners lived. Quickly, a Spanish Civil Guard patrol went to the scene and rescued the bulk from the water.

What was their surprise when they saw that it was a dog! The poor animal had been thrown into the water with a concrete block hanging from its neck.

He had been dead for several days. There were very deep marks on his neck from the pressure that the rope that bound the block made on him.

Since he had been dead for several days, it was impossible to do a necropsy to find out if the dog had been thrown into the water alive or was already dead before.

Because the family complied with the law to microchip pets, this boxer had it and they were quickly able to locate their owners to tell them the sad news.

The young woman will be judged for throwing the dog into the canal

We have no information about what the family said when they found out, what we are sure of is that they had to be overcome by enormous sadness and helplessness over what happened. It was not necessary for them to file a lawsuit against their relative, as the Civil Guard itself took care of that.

This Zaragoza without scruples or heart will be tried on an accusation of animal abuse and we hope that the sentence is not benevolent.

Spanish laws on animal abuse

Despite the latest improvements, Spanish laws regarding animal abuse are not entirely clear. This sounds a bit ironic, as Spain leads the list of animal abandonments.

They are fighting for clearer laws in which the abusers are given what they deserve and that defend the rights of animals, thus avoiding as many abandonments and cases as the one narrated in this article.

It is sad that the killing of animals in a cruel way is not taken so seriously and that there are no well-established laws that do not end only in a financial fine.

No to animal abuse

Autor: Juanedc
Author: Juanedc

Taking a life deserves as little jail. We are happy that there are organizations that fight, not only in Spain but also in other countries, to achieve clear and severe laws for people who make animal abuse a way to get their adrenaline pumping.

As we have told you many times, if you see an abused animal and you can do something for it, please do it. We do not ask that you adopt him, but if you can heal a wound or take him to the vet, or something minor like calling a protector to pick him up, you will be doing good. If you know of someone who mistreats animals, report them!

If we all did a little bit of our part, we would make coexistence between us and the animals much easier.

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