The 10 Cutest Baby Animals

The cutest baby animals look adorable in the eyes of humans, although it is true that there is much more than kittens and dog puppies
The 10 cutest baby animals

Nature offers us the possibility of contemplating its eternal beauty in each of the forms of life it houses. Although all beings are unique and beautiful in their own way, the truth is that some species stand out for their adorable appearance. Next, we invite you to know the 10 cutest baby animals that will make your day:


The cute appearance of a baby pig is capable of conquering even the most demanding viewers. Chubby, pink, happy and big noses: that’s how tender pig babies are. It is also important to remember that pigs are very intelligent animals and, despite prejudices, extremely clean.



Although we are more used to associating cuteness with mammalian cubs, baby owls are also capable of melting hearts. The exotic beauty of these birds is present from their first weeks of life. However, newborn owls still do not have their beautiful feathers.

Owl as a pet

The cutest animals: the little walruses

Walruses are aquatic mammals that impress with their enormous size and their learning and memorization abilities. The tiny baby walruses are even more adorable with their large whiskers, round black eyes, and rounded bodies.

Arctic walrus

These beautiful puppies are born after a gestation of 15 or 16 months and it can take up to 10 years for them to become sexually active. As we see, a long period.


Baby panda cubs are practically a living synonym for cuteness in the animal kingdom. Black and white puppies are very playful, although they need several hours of sleep a day to develop properly.

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During their first 10 or 12 months, baby pandas go through their lactation period; in that time, moms not only feed their cubs, but also teach them to survive on their own.


Anteaters are mammals native to the American continent  that inhabit from Mexico to South America. Despite their name, these animals do not belong to the bear family (ursids).

Anteater: behavior

Females generally only have one calf per calving after experiencing a gestation of nearly 200 days. Anteater cubs look like miniatures or ‘pocket’ versions of adult individuals.

Chameleon hatchlings

Chameleons are recognized and studied worldwide for their incredible ability to blend in with the environment. Although this ability distinguishes adult specimens, chameleon pups also attract attention for their appearance and their diminutive size.

Chameleon camouflage: camouflaged

During their first days of life, small chameleons are smaller than the tips of our fingers. They will soon start with their known ability to camouflage themselves.


In nature there are few terrestrial mammals as exotic as giraffes. In addition to their height and impeccable elegance, these animals stand out for their bravery and intelligence.

The giraffe is a very affectionate animal with its relatives. Mother and daughter giraffes in the African savannah

Giraffe calves can be born up to 1.80 meters tall, after a gestation period of almost 15 months. A curiosity is that females give birth to their young standing up; Newborns are already able to walk a few seconds after birth.

Unfortunately, giraffes are among the threatened and endangered species, due to hunting and the advance of man on their territory.

Baby penguins and all their beauty

Penguins are very particular birds, not only because of their inability to fly, but also because of their appearance and their peculiar way of walking. They are well known precisely for this last aspect.

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The young of these beautiful seabirds are born almost devoid of feathers and need to be protected from the cold, the wind and the sun. For this reason, their parents tend to be very aware of the upbringing of their children, who only fully mature between four and eight years of age.


Baby cats appear on our list of cutest animals  on behalf of all felines. This beautiful family of mammals is able to dazzle us with its beauty, elegance and intelligence from its first weeks of life.

Kittens with blue eyes


Of course, our best friends could not be left out of the ranking of the cutest baby animals. After a gestation that lasts between 58 and 68 days, the females give birth to their litter, whose size will depend a lot on their breed and their own organism.

Puppy bites everything

Puppies are born blind and only begin to open their eyes after 10-15 days of life. For this reason, his mother will be his main guide during his first weeks of life; They will provide them with food, protection and their knowledge of their environment.

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