Are There Recommended Fruits For Dogs?

Are there recommended fruits for dogs?

People often forget that their dog is a direct descendant of wolves. If dogs had to feed themselves, they would go hunting, thus having a predominantly carnivorous diet. However, specialists recommend balancing the diet of our pets with some fruits for dogs and vegetables. Among other things, because they have nutrients and vitamins that meats do not have.

Inclusion of fruits for dogs

Before starting to include fruits in the diet of our dogs, we must take into account that their organism is different from that of human beings, therefore, they do not digest them in the same way. It is important, for that reason, to take care of the quantities of fruits that are supplied to them. Fruits usually contain a high percentage of sugar, which cannot be digested by your digestive system.

Author: Miss Chien

The recommendation of veterinarians is that no more than 15 to 20% fruit is given to dogs. These percentages are directly proportional to the amount of food our dog consumes. An excess of fruits in the dog’s diet can cause its system to collapse and the animal to die.

Toxic and healthy fruits

Some fruits that we consume contain highly toxic properties for dogs. Therefore, it is important to review which are the recommended fruits for our dogs, before giving them to eat any of them. Fruits considered toxic, even in small amounts, can wreak havoc on your health.

The fruit, healthy for dogs, can provide great benefits. To start with, it helps the dog not get bored with its diet, changing the flavors a bit. It also administers fiber, antioxidants and other substances, which help prevent some diseases and fight constipation.

The right fruit

If you know how to choose the right fruit for dogs, you can combat some unpleasant or unwanted habits of our dogs. For example, pineapple helps fight coprophagia. A few pieces of pineapple, or a little of its juice in the dog’s food, and he will stop smelling and stick his nose in the feces.

It is essential that the seeds and the “bone” are removed from the fruits for dogs. In this part of the fruits there may be cyanide, which is very harmful to dogs.

Another important tip is to observe the symptoms that the furry can present when ingesting a fruit for the first time. If allergic or unfavorable reactions are observed, its use must be stopped immediately and go to the vet.

Recommended fruits for dogs

  1. Apple

The apple contains high percentages of vitamin C and calcium. These nutrients help prevent and fight stomach problems and intestinal inflammations that our dog can suffer.

  1. Blueberries

This fruit has vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, which contribute to the prevention of heart disease. The seeds must be removed, because they are harmful to animals.

  1. Khaki

This is one of the main fruits recommended for dogs. Its properties help to strengthen the immune system, reducing the appearance of certain degenerative diseases and tumors.

  1. Bananas and plantains

This fruit is ideal for dogs suffering from constipation. However, you have to be careful, since in large quantities it can generate collateral effects in the digestive system.

  1. Watermelon

It is one of the perfect fruits for summer. By having large amounts of water, watermelon helps to refresh our pet. In addition, as it is a natural diuretic, it is beneficial to add it to the diet of dogs suffering from obesity. However, a meticulous job must be done in extracting its seeds.

Toxic fruits for dogs

  1. Grapes and raisins

These fruits are very harmful to dogs. In large quantities they cause kidney failure, which can lead to death. In small amounts, there is only the risk of diarrhea.

  1. Walnuts

Nuts are very dangerous for dogs, as they have a substance that wreaks havoc on the nervous, digestive and muscular systems.

  1. Avocados

This very appetizing fruit contains a toxic substance, called Perisin, which helps the plant stay free of fungus or mold. Although avocado is not harmful to humans, specialists have found that it can be fatal to some animals, such as horses, cats and dogs.

If our dog consumes a small piece of any of the above fruits, surely it will not die. But you have to take him to the vet to perform the corresponding analysis.

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