Why Does My Dog ​​smell Bad?

If your pet has a bad odor and there is no toilet to remove it, there may be a deeper reason for this problem. Did you know that health has a lot to do with it when this happens?

Cuddly, loyal, playful … Stinky? It is good that we adore our dogs, but it must be recognized that sometimes they can smell very bad.  While we don’t expect our pet to scent our home like a rose garden would, we give you some answers in case you’ve ever wondered why your dog smells bad.

Many people consider that the smell of dogs is related to their grooming. However, excessive odor is usually due to health problems.

Many times, we get used to the smell of our pet and incorporate it as something normal; after all, dogs have a distinctive smell that is impossible to remove.

However, if you detect that the bad smell comes from specific areas or it is a strong smell that is not removed with the bathroom, you should pay attention to the following situations.

My dog ​​smells bad: possible causes

Problems with your anal glands

Dogs and cats have two glands located near the anus, responsible for creating an oily liquid that they use to mark the territory. Generally, this fluid is emptied when the dog defecates.

However,  there are times when it is not evacuated correctly, so it accumulates in the glands and produces a bad smell.  In addition, it causes pain in the pelvic area of ​​the animal.

Normally, this problem is detected when we see the dog dragging the anus on the carpet or the floor. Also when the area is constantly licked, due to itching, burning or pain caused by the accumulation of fluid.

This type of obstruction is called impaction and can lead to anal gland infections. Infections that are not treated in time tend to cause bleeding, constipation, fever and abscesses that, on some occasions, require surgical treatment.

Oral health

Dogs won’t have a mouthwash breath, but it shouldn’t be that bad either. Bad breath or halitosis in dogs is generally caused by poor oral hygiene and because pieces of food have been trapped between the pet’s teeth.

The longer the trapped food is, the worse the animal’s breath will be. Many times, especially in older dogs, bad breath occurs due to the accumulation of tartar on the gums, so you will need prophylaxis to correct the problem.

If, despite frequent brushing and tartar removal, the problem of bad breath persists, it may be a problem with cavities, a bad stomach, liver or intestine. In these situations, it would be wise to take him to the vet for a checkup.


Otitis or ear infections are one of the most common ailments in pets. It is easily detected by an obvious discomfort in the animal’s ears (they scratch or shake their head frequently), irritation in the area, inflammation, suppuration and a bad smell.

Unfortunately, when a dog smells bad this is often the reason that leads owners to have their otitis treated. When it becomes very strong, it means that the disease is quite advanced and may have compromised the pet’s hearing.

Skin infections

Skin infections are one of the main causes of bad odor in dogs. These occur for reasons such as bacterial infections, allergies, or poor diet.

Infections cause a lot of discomfort to our pet, generally itching, burning and pain. They have multiple treatments, depending on what is causing it; therefore, it is never a good idea to medicate your dog without consulting your vet. By doing so, you can make the problem worse and cause your pet a lot of suffering.


Flatulence or gas in our dog can be due to an inappropriate diet, excessive food consumption or that it is suffering from some type of respiratory, stomach or intestinal problem.

It is important to treat flatulence when it is excessive, as a dog can die from a stomach twist caused by the accumulation of gases. In general, this can be avoided by giving the dog a high-fiber diet and avoiding legumes.

Usually, if a dog smells bad we should not be overly alarmed. However, it is always better to go to the vet and find out what is causing them rather than aromatize the house to disguise the problem.

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