Dog Breeds With Big Ears

Dog breeds with large ears

We don’t really know why, but we are attracted to dogs with large, long ears. Perhaps it may be because they give them a melancholic and sad air, and we want to hug them immediately, or perhaps because their floppy ears remind us of the stuffed animals of our childhood. In this article we tell you which are the breeds that share this characteristic.

What breeds of dogs with big ears are there?

They are all very pretty and have something in common: their huge ears! Some are hairy and others are not, there are the “falls” that hang, and those that move in time with the animal’s movements. These are the breeds of dogs with large ears that exist :

1. Basset Hound

It is part of the group of Hounds and in addition to its short legs and its elongated body, one of its main characteristics is its long ears. The Basset Hound has a much more developed sense of smell than other breeds, and has been used since the late 19th century to hunt hares, pheasants, foxes, and deer. It arose from the cross of a Bloodhound and an English dog.

The long ears of the Basset Hound are very prone to infections and bad odors, since they practically drag them on the ground. They should be cleaned frequently with a damp cloth or alcohol swab.

2. Cocker Spaniel

The American has longer ears than the English. The latter is originally from Wales and the purpose when creating it was to chase redfish through the bushes. It is a strong, balanced, athletic dog with a broad head and a large nose. The ears are long lobular in shape and reach to the nose at least. Otitis is one of the diseases of the Cocker Spaniel.

In the case of the American (which arose from English), it also has long, shaggy, drooping ears. It is recommended to cut the hairs on the sides of the ears to avoid infections caused by bacteria, parasites or wounds.

3. Beagle

Another of the breeds of dogs with large ears that we highlight. It is a medium-sized pet with short legs and bred for hunting and tracking hares and rabbits. It is of English origin and they became very popular during the Elizabethan era (as they were the Queen’s favorites). The most famous Beagle in the world is undoubtedly Snoopy.

Their ears are wide and long with rounded tips. They reach the tip of the nose and rest on the cheekbones. This condition results in an ear canal without enough air and, therefore, very recurrent infections due to humidity.

4. Bloodhound

Also known as the St. Hubert Dog, it belongs to the group of hounds and is one of the breeds with the most developed sense of smell of all. They can follow a trail for up to fifteen days, which is why they are used to track missing persons, for example, in the field or in the mountains. The ears are very long, with soft fur and always drooping to the sides of the head.

Cuatro perros bloodhound
Source: Mark Robinson

5. Artesian Basset of Normandy

It is another of the dogs with large, drooping ears with a “sad” aspect that attracts our attention. With an elongated body and short legs, the Basset is originally from France (the first known specimen dates from 1870). The ears are long and corkscrew-shaped, hanging to the sides of the head. Regular cleaning is essential to avoid infection and dirt build-up.

6. Great Dane

It is one of the largest and most elegant dogs that exist. Although he can be a bit scary for his size, he is good and friendly. It is known as the “Apollo” of dogs. Of German origin, the Great Dane is very affectionate, faithful and docile. Their ears are set high and drooping. In the past they were cut to give it more “elegance”, but luckily that practice has remained in the past.

7. Dachshund

The so famous “Dachshund” with its super short legs and its very elongated body is another of the breeds with long ears. The first specimen appeared in Germany in 1888 and its purpose was to detect burrows. He’s a very brave tracker. It can be long, hard or short hair.

Main image source: Basset Hound

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