The Language Of The Tail Of Cats

Thanks to this form of expression, felines reveal what they feel, which is key for their owners, especially in order to avoid possible aggression
The language of the tail of cats

Felines are very expressive animals, not only with their body, but also through sounds. If you pay attention to the language of the cat’s tail, you will be able to know how the animal feels and act accordingly. We tell you more in this article.

What does the language of the tail of cats express?

Cats’ tails can be of different sizes and shapes – long like a Siamese or fluffy like an angora – and they use it to express their moods and emotions. It is very important to identify what our pet wants to tell us when it moves it in a specific way:

1. Vertical raised tail

When you are walking around the house, garden or yard, and you have your tail upright but relaxed and pointing to the sky – or to the ceiling – it means that you are safe and happy. You can also leave the tip bent and it is another sign that you are having a great time.

Meaning of the position of the tail of cats

2. Curved tail like question mark

The middle of the tail has formed a curve and, if you pay attention, it looks like a question mark. Know that means? That he is inviting you to play with him for a while, to put aside your activities – whatever you are doing – and pay attention to him. This position indicates a playful attitude … You are looking for fun!

3. High and vibrant tail

The language of the tail of cats can be somewhat difficult to interpret in some cases. For example, if you lift your tail and vibrate it, it can be for two reasons. The first is that he is happy to see us and is in a relaxed attitude.

4. Whipping to the sides

Suppose you are playing with him or cuddling him and, suddenly, you see that he moves his tail to the sides, with small strokes with the tip. That indicates that he does not want to play anymore, that he is getting uncomfortable or that you are touching some ‘forbidden part’ of his body … which are usually more than you think!

It is likely that if you continue with your attitude the cat will choose to ‘hug’ your hand or arm with its front and back legs and bite you, first slightly and then more forcefully. Therefore, if you see him make that movement with his tail, we recommend that you stop the game.

Communication of cats through the tail

5. Tail against the ground

When the animal is in an alert position, with its tail resting on the ground and tapping the tip from time to time, it means that it is irritated, indecisive or even thoughtful. In the event that the movement is rather abrupt, it is because he is angry and can attack or flee.

6. Low tail

Be very careful if your cat’s tail is stiff and in a low position, as this is a clear sign of aggression. He is in a very bad mood and you better not bother him for the world.

7. Rolled tail

Perhaps you have ever seen your cat sitting with its tail attached to its body, while sleeping or lying in the sun. It means that you are very happy and relaxed!

8. Tail between the legs

It is a posture of either submission or fear. The hidden tail can also mean that there is something that is making you nervous.

9. Tail that sways

When the tail of cats moves slightly to the sides or in different positions, it means that they are very focused on an object or something that has caught their attention : from a toy to a bird; also an insect or a glow that enters through the window.

Finally, if your cat curls its tail on another animal, for example a dog, it is a way of showing affection, as if it were hugging it. You mean they are friends!

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