Where To Adopt A Pet?

Where to adopt a pet?

The abandonment of animals continues to be a major problem in Spain and much of the world. And that the different associations that collect them are overwhelmed, accounts for this issue. For this reason, if you have decided to adopt a pet, you will see that the places to do it abound. And the internet is usually a good tool to inform you about the shelters and shelters closest to your home.

Shelters and protectors, places with more supply than demand

With more or less resources, the entities that shelter stray dogs and cats carry out all kinds of campaigns to find a new home for their guests.

Dogs in a shelter

If you approach some of these spaces, they will surely know how to advise you so that you can make the best decision when adopting a pet. And if you want an animal to be part of your life, you must choose responsibly.

First and foremost, you have to know that you will be taking care of a living being that you will have to take care of for several years. Remember that they are animals that have already suffered abandonment, and that they should not go through a similar situation again.

That is why it is important that, beyond being driven by the impulse or love at first sight that is generated with a furry dog, you take into account a series of factors so that your choice is the most successful.

Topics to keep in mind if you decide to adopt a pet

While you may have a predetermined idea of ​​what type of animal you want to adopt, keep in mind the following topics :

  • How much time do you have to dedicate?
  • If the furry must stay alone in the house
  • Your age, physical condition and financial possibilities
  • The existence of other pets in the home
  • The composition of the family group
  • The size of the house (and if you have a terrace, patio or garden)

As you can imagine, a large dog is not the same as a medium or small one, or an adorable kitten. Or a dog full of energy to spend than another with more sedentary characteristics. Or a pussycat, that two or three. And it is that, in the case of felines, it is always advisable to adopt more than one.

What should you take care of when you adopt a pet?

The decision to adopt a pet opens a big change in your life. And it is that all the love that you surely have to give, and that will be paid back, is not enough.

There are a number of responsibilities that involve time and money, and that go through:

  • Regular checks with the vet
  • Vaccines and deworming
  • Basic training
  • Quality food according to the needs of the furry
  • Walks, exercise and games
  • Toys and accessories
  • Hygiene and grooming

Dog with its owner

Adoption of street animals

Although places to adopt a pet abound, another possibility is that you find an abandoned animal on the street and decide to keep it. In this case, we recommend that you take him immediately to the vet for the most urgent health checks.

It is also important that you verify that the furry in question does not have owners who are looking for it. If the animal has a microchip, the task is simplified. But it is worth taking a look at the posters that are usually posted in the area looking for lost cats or dogs. And here too the internet is usually a good tool for disseminating these cases.

If you find that the animal is not claimed by anyone, it is important that you ask the veterinarian, if he does not have it, place the chip for identification. And also ask him everything you think is necessary so that you can successfully face the great challenges of having a four-legged friend.

As you can see, the issue of adopting a pet is a great challenge. But surely you will not regret your decision.

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