If You Want To Understand Your Dog, Don’t Miss These 5 Books

If you want to understand your dog, don't miss these 5 books

Because they do not speak, there are those who think that it is difficult to understand dogs. Understanding your body language can help us tremendously. With their body, postures, gestures and looks, they manage to tell us many times more things than we could say with words.

However, sometimes that is not enough. That is why we have compiled five books that, we put together in a list, will help you understand your dog. Reading helps us grow as people. These works, in addition to that, will help us to be better owners of our dogs.

The 5 best books to understand your dog

To the other end of the leash

dog wearing collar

This book by author Patricia B. McConnell is recommended by experts in canine behavior. It is written in a very simple way, being entertaining and even fun. Even being that way, he is able to delve deep into the behavior problems of dogs.

This book has already been translated into 14 languages. It focuses on relationship problems between people and dogs. Reading it, we can realize that as much as we love our dogs, we are two different species between which problems of understanding and communication arise.

The book encourages dog owners to talk to their pet. This way they learn to understand him and how to behave with him correctly for a good relationship.

Don’t kill him, teach him: the art of teaching and training

This book by author Karen Pryor has been recommended by world-renowned veterinarians.

The book focuses on helping us have a good relationship with our pet and shows us how to do it. It has been said that the advice contained in it could even help us improve our relationships with people and make new friends.

Modifying our wrong behavior with our dog will promote peace at home. Then there will be a better understanding between us and our pet.

Psychology of learning and dog training

Antonio Páramo Miranda is the author of the book that highlights the great responsibility of having a pet. Also the importance of understanding how you think, feel and act.

As has been said many times, any process with a dog must be started as a puppy. For this reason, the book focuses largely on the initial stage of the animal.

It is ideal for suspicious and rebellious or even dominant dogs. Some breeds are more conducive to this, so this book will help you from the first moment you adopt to modify these types of behaviors. In addition, it will ensure that the animal is calm while it is left alone at home.

Cognitive-emotional dog training

Carlos Alfonso López García is the author of a book that has earned the reputation of being unique when it comes to marking a change in the way of relating to dogs. The simplicity and clarity with which he captures the ideas has made canine educators adore him.

They call it “the perfect book to get started in canine education and training.” It shows that there is no need to use rigid or harsh methods when educating an animal. Rather, it shows that the dog must be seen as a collaborator and as such must be taught.

Homemade diets for dogs and cats. The healthy alternative

cat and dog food

Donald Strombeck writes this book in which he emphasizes the importance of our pets enjoying a healthy diet. A scientific manual that demonstrates with such a basis that homemade diets are not only suitable for our pets, but they are also the best option.

In addition, it shows how there are different types of homemade diets that not only improve the pet’s diet, but can also promote its health and even fight against some diseases.

All of these books are available in Spanish. You just have to ask for them in your favorite bookstore or if you want you will easily find them on the Internet at very affordable prices. Do you dare to understand your dog better?

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