Benefits Of Pets In The Elderly

Benefits of pets in the elderly

You may be thinking about what gift to buy for your mom / dad or your grandmother / grandfather this Christmas. Well, we give you a recommendation: A pet! And it is that the many benefits of pets in the elderly have been proven in several scientific studies. Let’s see which ones.

Benefits of pets in our elderly

man and dog

The benefits of pets among older people are many. Seniors who have pets have been shown to be more cheerful, optimistic, and in better health than those who do not have an animal at home.

When the children leave home, loneliness invades these people, feeling lost in life and not knowing what to do. The situation worsens if one of the spouses falls asleep in death, leaving the other person totally alone. Pets are an excellent company with the ability to somehow fill that void that remains for our elders.

The fact of having someone who depends on you, someone to take care of and for whom to be well so that he is also well, is undoubtedly the best medicine for loneliness.

Not enough with that, a test was done in a hospital in which videos of their pets were shown to the elderly. Those with whom this was done recovered more quickly and favorably than those who, even having pets, were not shown videos.

It is sad to say, but it is a reality, that the elderly sometimes feel like a hindrance and would like to do many things that they can no longer to feel useful. Despite our consoling words with which we show them that we love them and that they are not in the way at all, they do not console themselves. However, a pet will be dependent on them and will make them feel useful.

What pet to choose?

Surely when reading this subtopic you have believed that we read your mind. Without a doubt, it is the most logical question to ask. We have already seen the benefits of pets in the elderly, but there are different pets and each of them can contribute different things.

You also have to take into account the physical health of the person to whom you are going to give the pet. Also, if it is impossible for her to walk, it will not be very smart to buy her a dog that she will have to walk 3 times a day.

Let’s also look at the benefits of pets in the elderly. Rather, the benefits of each of the pets:


They can offer tranquility and serenity to the person. Of course, to achieve this, it will be essential to choose a calm breed of dog that relaxes rather than upset our family member.

Dogs will be ideal companions for those with a little depression who do not want to go for a walk even though the doctor has told them they should. The obligation to take your new pet out 3 times a day will improve your physical and emotional health; this without counting the unconditional love and loyalty that this pet can offer.


cat elderly person

These are very affectionate and don’t require a lot of attention. They will do their little things in a box with sand, so they will not need to go out for a walk and they also clean themselves. Cats are not noisy, so they will transmit a special peace and tranquility to the person. Also, there is a legend that with their body heat they calm muscle aches, although that is not proven.


Although affection does not show it as obviously as a dog or a cat, their daily song can make anyone’s heart happy. In addition, they must be fed every day, have water daily to drink and clean their cage often, so it will make the person feel useful to see that there is still someone who depends on it.

Whichever pet you choose, we are sure it will brighten the life of that person you love so much. And is that after seeing this article, is there anyone who doubts the benefits of pets in the elderly?

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