Rules To Make Your Dog Happy

Rules to make your dog happy

To make your dog happy, you can use some basic guidelines. First, before deciding to have a pet, you must make sure that you have enough space in your home.

You should also consider for the dog to be happy that you have to have time for him, to cover his basic needs. Not only the physiological ones, but also their need for play, affection, etc.

A suitable place for the dog to be happy

The chosen site has to be comfortable, well ventilated to avoid bad smells, and at the same time be hygienic, for all the inhabitants of the house. It is also important that the place for your dog to be happy is proportionate to its size.

Once the dog enters the house, consider that they need time to learn the house rules and to get control of their physiological needs.


dog biscuit

A good quality food is essential for the health and well-being of the animal.

You have to give him special food for dogs, since these are prepared to keep his coat in good health, shiny and beautiful. You don’t have to use leftovers from your food.

Get old, but may the dog be happy

  • You have to help your dog grow old with dignity. You should take him out for a walk for at least 10 minutes a day so he can exercise and stretch his joints. It is easy to make him happy.
  • Walking is good exercise for both of you, dog and owner both. In addition, this will help establish and strengthen emotional ties through this fun activity.
    • Dogs must bathe twice a month. Do not overdo it or they could suffer some kind of skin condition.
    • Elimination of parasites that make your pet unhappy, cause allergies and cause diseases. You have to consult the veterinarian and obtain information about the treatments to eliminate them.
    • Your dog needs to play. You have to dedicate enough time to it, and the animal will compensate us with great affection.
    • Fresh water is essential for the health of your dog. We will keep your bowl full of water and change it daily.

    Cookies, gifts, excursions and much more

    • When he behaves well, obeys, etc., we will indulge them with a special dog biscuit. There is nothing that shows our affection better than offering your favorite snack. They are positive reinforcements.
    • An excursion. Just like you, your dog will love the change of scenery, whether you take him out to the country or for a quick walk in a nearby park.
    • Many dogs also love to swim, so you could take them to a beach where pets are allowed, such as rivers, appropriate pools, etc. Before you should make sure that he likes water.
    • Be careful with medicine at home. You don’t have to be a doctor without being one. Medication for people can have negative effects on dogs.
    • The professional of the veterinary clinic will give us the appropriate remedies. It’s a good idea to ask your vet what a dog first aid kit should contain. With this we can save the life of our pet.

     A newly arrived puppy

    When you bring a puppy to live in your house, you have to adapt it to avoid any accident. You have to remove any object that could hurt a curious and very playful animal. Some sharp edges may hurt you.

    In your phone book you have to include the vet’s phone number, as well as an emergency number. You may need it at the least expected moment.

    Toys for your friend have to be 100% safe. Some toys contain chemicals that are harmful to your health. Pay special attention to small parts in the home that your puppy could swallow.

    Doggy language

    happy life with your dog

    Communication with your dog can be perfect if you want. He can’t speak, but he can make you understand how he feels through his body language.

    Do not stop observing . The tail is a good indication. If it is low it will mean fear and anxiety, if it moves it it is happy.

    When calling your dog, be sure to do so in a sweet and friendly tone of voice. Avoid yelling at them, they probably don’t understand words, but they can understand emotions.

    An important issue if you spend too much time away from home and have a dog, is that you think about having another dog for company so they can entertain together. If this is not possible, you could get him a dog sitter for hours.

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