When The Man Found The Dog, A Work By Konrad Lorenz

Konrad Lorenz is considered one of the fathers of ethology. For this reason, his work is essential both among lovers of nature and the animal world and lovers of dog training.
When the man found the dog, a work by Konrad Lorenz

One of the main references when it comes to dog training is When Man Found the Dog , a truly enlightening work. With it, its author managed to illuminate various aspects of the origins of the relationship between humans and dogs, but with a most interesting point of view.

Konrad Lorenz was an Austrian doctor who took a great interest in animal behavior. He is considered one of the fathers of ethology.

If you are an animal lover, you will love reading Konrad Lorenz, one of the authors who has best captured the dynamics between humans and dogs.

When the man found the dog

This exciting book is the continuation of the stories collected in He spoke with the beasts, the fish and the birds , and is exclusively dedicated to the animal that is capable of leaving the greatest mark on the human being: the dog. Faithful companion and helper, the dog has been among men for centuries, but how such a union came about goes back much further.

In the book, Konrad Lorenz explains the origins of this beautiful story that has only just begun, where two species met and never left.

Training in dogs helps them better manage anxiety.

It all started with the relationship between our ancestors with wolves and jackals, which has been shaped to achieve all that respect, love, hate, communication and obedience that exists today between the owner and his dog, all from a point of view that It will surprise you and will make you get hooked on the book from the first pages.

The author bases a large part of the book on his own experiences throughout his life with animals, and he does so with a first-rate narrative, the technical delicacy of a scientist and with the intelligence of a thinker who has given a new twist to the human problems and the relationship with their environment.

Why should you read this book?

Sometimes, we take for granted many of the things that we live on a daily basis, but everything has its why.

The history between the human being and the dog has gone through phases and moments of the most curious that are worth knowing in detail in order to establish a dynamic that is positive for both a guardian and a pet, for example.

Understanding this evolution in human-dog relationships will make us understand why there is this wonderful relationship that exists today between these two species, as well as shedding light on the first approaches between the two.

On the other hand, the reflections and advice that are presented in the book can help us a lot to improve our relationship with our pet so as not to fall into the most common mistake that is currently commented: humanizing dogs.

As different species that we are, we do not understand things in the same way, so it is necessary to give the animal its space and not radically change its habits and customs.

Konrad Lorenz, an author worth knowing

  • He was born in Altenberg, an Austrian town near Vienna, in 1903. He studied medicine and philosophy, the first at the request of his father.
  • He worked teaching animal psychology classes at the university in the Austrian capital between 1937 and 1940.
  • From that year until 1973 he was working in different areas of the university always related to psychology and animal behavior.

In 1973 he obtained one of the most important awards of his life: the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, while he was directing the Department of Animal Sociology at the Institute of Comparative Ethology of Austria.

The relationship between humans and dogs is very old.

His most outstanding works are: When man found the dog , He spoke with beasts, fish and birds , The natural science of man and The future is open. All of them are more than recommended to deepen the relationship between human beings and the animal world.

As for the book When the man found the dog,  this is undoubtedly a basic work to understand the training methods that are being used today.

Since it helps to understand the thinking of the dog, it is not limited only to give methods to train, but to go a step further at this point. In this way, he delves into something that goes beyond training: the dynamics between human and animal thought.

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