Animal Identification By Microchip

Animal identification by microchip

Those of us who are parents have surely experienced the horrible sensation of losing sight of our children even for a few seconds. Without a doubt they have been one of the most horrible in our lives and it seems incredible how many things can go through our minds in such a short period of time. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, everything is simply a scare. Although it is not comparable, it is no less true that our pets are united by a very special bond and that we are also terrified by the possibility of something happening to them. That is why the information that we bring you today is very interesting for you, how to identify our animal by means of a microchip.

What is the animal microchip and where is it placed?

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We have to start by explaining that the microchip for animals is a tiny device that carries an integrated circuit that has a chip, the size of which is similar to a lentil and which contains an identification number inside. This number is individual and it is the one that will be able to differentiate one animal from another, and it is not possible to change or modify it. The chip is surrounded by a soft glass that does not cause allergies.

The microchip for animals is placed under the skin of our pet using an injector specifically prepared for this purpose, it is usually done in the neck area. Once implanted, it cannot be seen, nor is it perceived with the sense of touch. The only way to locate it is with a microchip reader, which not only tells us where it is located but also identifies the assigned individual code that the microchip carries and displays it on its screen.

How the animal microchip works

When we pass the reader, which is a kind of scanner, through the animal’s skin it detects where the chip is located and sends a signal to read its number. That’s when the code appears on the screen. Once we know the identification, we can call the microchip registry to report that we have found the animal and find out who it belongs to.

What is the best time to implant the microchip

Although we long to be able to place the microchip on our pet as soon as possible so that we can be calm, professionals advise that it is better to wait until it is at least a month and a half. Some even recommend not doing it before two months. If you have doubts about it, it is best to consult your veterinarian, who will surely advise you in the best way.

Doubts that may arise about the microchip

Before making the decision to microchip our pet, we may still ask ourselves more questions. One of the doubts that may arise is whether you will feel pain. To answer this question, it is enough for us to tell you that  to implant the microchip a needle not much larger than that used for a vaccine is used. Which does not mean that if we have a very sensitive animal, it will not complain.

Regarding their security, we can affirm that they are sufficiently tested to make it a 100% safe device .

You should also know that in many places the authorities force you to place a microchip on the animal and that if you do not do so, you can be fined.

One of the advantages is that the microchip is prepared to last about 25 years, a time that few animals live unfortunately, so once you put it on it is a subject that you don’t worry about. Another is that it does not require any type of subsequent maintenance.

Problems that the microchip can cause

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As we said, it is a 100% reliable method, to be exact practically 100% reliable. On rare occasions it may move around. Another possibility is that the code is no longer readable. To control both circumstances, it is convenient for your veterinarian to review the status of the microchip annually by passing the reader, an instrument that almost all professionals in the sector have.

How we see placing a microchip on our animal is something simple and without side effects. But in return we will have the peace of mind that if our pet gets lost it will be much easier to find it. So bet on him.

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