Why Can You Never Give Your Dog Marijuana?

Why can you never give your dog marijuana?

You may think that this is a strange question, but many pet owners have this question. That is why we wanted to find out and consult about it. Giving your dog marijuana can have dire consequences on his health. Find out more in this article.

Marijuana can be fatal to the dog

Autor: Christine und David Schmitt
Author: Christine und David Schmitt

Any substance that the animal ingests can cause death if it is a high dose. Sometimes we are not attentive to what the dog consumes on the street or at home, and that causes severe poisoning.

In the case of marijuana, if your pet consumes it, it can be fatal. The unwanted effects on the furry are due to D-9 Tetrahydrocannabiol. This is the main substance of the drug and the one that causes the psychotropic effects.

For the dog to be at risk of dying, he has to consume 3 grams of marijuana per kg of weight. For example, if he weighs 8 kilos and ingests 24 grams, he will have to be taken urgently to the vet to detoxify him.

Dogs are more susceptible to the effects of the drug than people because of their weight. If you accidentally eat some marijuana, the poisoning will go away after a couple of hours. While it recovers, you will need to leave it in a quiet place outside with a large container of fresh water available. If after two hours the animal does not get up and is still asleep, do not let more time pass and take it to the vet.

What does marijuana cause in dogs?

We could say that this drug causes more effects in pets than in humans. Hallucinations would not be so much the “problem” unless they lead them to act strange or attack those close to them.

The motor skills of the furry will be seriously impaired. The hormone dopamine will be out of balance and will not be created properly. For this reason it is likely that the dog will lie down in the same position and cannot move, much less move.

After being intoxicated with marijuana, your pet will be more aggressive and clumsy than usual. He will not be able to coordinate his movements, he will trip over walls, furniture and objects. It will also disobey any rule or instruction of its owner.

Other effects of marijuana on the dog

The most serious effects that you will suffer from cannabis use are incoordination, falls, depression or euphoria (you can present both alternately, first being down and then upset and vice versa). Also moaning and barking for no apparent reason, as it will hallucinate. And finally, typical digestive problems of intoxication: vomiting, diarrhea and increased saliva.

It is necessary that if this happens to the animal, you avoid any alteration, be it loud music, screaming, attempted games … the behavior will be totally unpredictable. That is, you can act contrary to what you are used to. You never know if he will want to attack you, bite you, or hurt you from being under the influence of marijuana.

While it is true that the pet can suffer the effects of cannabis on its body for a few hours, the problem will end soon and it is the owners’ responsibility to prevent it from happening again.

When taking the dog to the vet, do not lie or hide information : tell him that he has inadvertently ingested marijuana and try to be precise about the amount. In this way, the doctor will be able to treat you accordingly.

Medical marijuana for dogs?

fear of the vet

Despite having indicated that the drug is not good for pets, there are many cases of dogs treated with marijuana to reduce the symptoms of degenerative, chronic or incurable diseases, such as certain cancers.

In addition, the benefits are known to whet the appetite, relieve joint pain if you suffer from arthritis and be a natural pain reliever for cancer. But beware that for these treatments we must speak with a specialist veterinarian and do a complete follow-up.

The doctor will indicate the dose and how to supply the dog with marijuana. They will also monitor you to determine if it is really beneficial because of your illness.

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