Faithful Dogs Until After Death

Faithful dogs until after death

Despite being with us for centuries, we still have a lot to understand about canine behavior. There are many actions carried out by dogs that go from touching us to astonishing us, and such is the case with faithful dogs until after death.

Possibly the sensitivity of dogs to the death of a loved one is due to the fact that they are highly social animals and create strong bonds with the people who make up their family environment, with whom they establish relationships that go beyond a form of survival.

However, before the disappearance of a family member (be it human or animal), the dog will strongly resent change in the hierarchy, especially if it was someone to whom he was very attached, coming to need in extreme cases psychological rehabilitation and pharmacological treatment.

Do dogs understand the concept of death?

sad dog

It is not clear to what extent dogs understand death as an irreparable event. However, it is recorded that at least seven out of ten dogs show signs of anxiety and anguish after the death of a loved one or an animal companion.

Dogs are animals dependent on their caretaker and a sudden change in the hierarchical situation in the family can severely affect them.

Canine psychologists and behavior specialists agree that attention should be paid to a dog experiencing this kind of crisis so that it can cope with the loss in a healthy way.

Some small attentions that you can pay him and that will improve his mood are:

  • It is recommended that the dog maintain a more or less normal level of activity, therefore you should encourage him to return to his usual routine.
  • Give him lots of affection and affection.
  • Use his favorite toys as stimuli to encourage him to play.
  • Take it for a ride, it can be a simple car trip. This will be an excellent distraction for him.
  • If possible, spend a little more time with him.
  • Go to the vet if the dog stops feeding, drinking or is too downcast, he may need specialized treatment.

Greater sensitivity to the phenomenon

Currently there is greater concern on the part of the keepers about the fate of the dog in case they die.

Among the most common agreements for these cases are the owners who allocate small amounts of money or properties to guarantee the care of the pet after his death, or talk with their relatives and friends about who would be the ideal person to take care of them.

An unusual request, but one that has become popular, is to allow the dog to get close to the owner’s corpse and, in a certain way, it does not think that it has abandoned it, but that something else has happened.

Famous Amazing Dog Stories


Possibly the story that comes to mind in this regard is Hachiko, Professor Eisaburo Ueno’s Akita dog. Hachiko accompanied his caretaker to the train station every day and returned to wait for him on his return from work.

Unfortunately the caregiver died of cardiac arrest while teaching a class.

Hachiko, unaware of his master’s passing, waited for him at the train station for nine years, becoming a symbol of loyalty not only in his native Japan, but throughout the world.


grave dog

Captain is an Argentine dog who has guarded the grave of his master Miguel since 2007. According to Miguel’s wife, Miguel brought the dog home as a gift to his son Damien. However, since Miguel’s death, Captain has disappeared.

The family reported him missing until one Sunday, almost a year later, when, visiting Miguel’s grave, they saw the dog in the cemetery.

According to what was reported by the workers of the place, the dog had arrived a few days ago, with a hurt leg and looking exhausted . He went through the graves sniffing until he found Miguel’s and lay down beside him.

The curious thing about the case is that the dog had never been to the cemetery, so it is presumed that he arrived at the place supported by his nose.

Although the family tried to take the dog home, it always returned to the cemetery, so they ended up leaving it in the place, where hundreds of people come to see, pamper and feed this loyal dog.


Canelo was the faithful companion of a homeless man from the city of Cádiz in Spain. Canelo’s caregiver had to undergo dialysis treatment and left the dog at the hospital door telling him to wait for him.

Unfortunately the man died and the dog was left outside the hospital awaiting the departure of its master for twelve years.

This case became very famous because the dog was captured by the municipal kennel, generating the indignation of the inhabitants of the sector, who held marches and managed to get the dog sponsored by the hospital, received veterinary treatment, affection and food.

Nowadays, you can see a commemorative plaque very close to the place where he spent much of his life.

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