Cat Peterbald

It is a ‘bald’ feline, very sociable and behaves well with other pets and children; It also needs a series of care due to its absence of fur, although, and unlike other hairless breeds, it does not require regular grooming.
Peterbald Cat

How do you see yourself with a slender, hairless kitten with slanted eyes and large, pointed ears as a pet? If the description is interesting to you, perhaps the Peterbald cat can become your ideal companion, since, in addition, it is very affectionate and playful. It is one of the many hairless breeds that man has created in recent years.

A pussycat from St. Petersburg

The Peterbald cat – translated into Spanish is ‘Pedro calvo’ – has its origin in Russia, more specifically in the mythical Saint Petersburg, the second most populated city in that country.

As he was looking for lighter forms, he crossed specimens of Siamese, Oriental and Don Sphynx, today known as Donskoy. This is how the first cats of this particular breed were born, which was soon recognized by the main feline associations and which was gaining followers around the world.

Physical characteristics of the Peterbald cat

This elegant domestic feline can be completely hairless or have a very fine and imperceptible coat, from one to five millimeters. There are also specimens with hair that exceeds five millimeters.

Peterbald cat: behavior

Every so often, there is the case of a pussycat who did not inherit the baldness gene and has a normal coat. As for colors, all varieties and combinations are allowed.

Other characteristics that describe the Peterbald cat are:

  • Medium size.
  • Weight: between three and five kilograms.
  • Body: long and muscular.
  • Head: triangular and proportionate, of medium size.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped and medium, not too prominent and of a color according to the coat.
  • Profile: straight, without stop.
  • Muzzle: fine
  • Nose: straight and long.
  • Tail: long and pointed.
  • Extremities: long, like a dancer’s.

Meet the character of the Peterbald cat

Calm, stable, affectionate and very sociable are attributes that perfectly describe the character of the Peterbald cat. It is an animal that constantly seeks to be caressed and pampered and that, at all times, demands the attention of its owner. Most likely it will follow you everywhere.

Sweet and friendly, but also active and intelligent, this friendly hairless man often shows interest in what is going on around him and loves to play, particularly with his owner.

We are facing an ideal kitten to live inside the house and that adapts without problems to the presence of other pets. In addition, he is usually very patient with the smallest of the home.

Peterbald cat: care

But if the home is without human presence daily and for several hours, the ideal is that this beautiful morrongo has the company of some other representative of the felis catus. Or, failing that, of a dog.

Protect this feline from the cold and the sun

Beyond the specific care of hairless breeds, which must remain safe from the cold and sun, the Peterbald cat does not require constant grooming, unlike other hairless cat breeds.

Their fur, compared to other bald kitties, produces very little sebum. For this reason, it will be enough to clean it with some wet wipes. The vet should indicate the most appropriate ones.

In any case, if you want to bathe it, you can also do it, especially in warmer times. For this it is convenient that you get used to water from a young age.

On the other hand, as long as you give it a quality diet and according to its metabolism and comply with the vaccination and deworming schedule, your kitten will surely not have serious health problems. Their life expectancy ranges between 12 and 16 years.

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