My Puppy Doesn’t Want To Eat

My puppy does not want to eat

Dogs are inveterate gluttons, which is why we are so distressed when we notice that they have not eaten what you have given them. However, it is important that you pay attention to these low appetite, they can mean that something important is happening, so we leave you some suggestions on what to do if your puppy does not want to eat. Let’s first review a few important points:

He does not eat anything at all: The first thing to check is if your puppy does not eat dry dog ​​food, or if he does not eat anything at all. Normally, especially when they are puppies, it is difficult for them to get used to eating dry food, therefore they reject it. It can also occur because the dog has been bored of always eating the same thing, you can then try a more varied diet, combining dry and wet food, try other flavors or mix meat. If the dog does not eat anything at all and if you notice him down and spend a lot of time still, it may be that he is facing some kind of situation related to his health.

He is drinking liquid: It is important to know if your dog is hydrating properly, if your dog is not eating or drinking, it is best to go to the vet immediately, they dehydrate very easily.

Stress : Stressful situations for our pet are also a reason for loss of appetite. For example radical changes in the environment (such as a move), the loss of a member of the family circle, not exercising properly or being subjected to things that cause fear, can be a cause of this. If it is a permanent situation, you should give your pet time to get used to it and try to make things more tolerable for him.

In many cases, the lack of appetite occurs due to behaviors learned by the pet, but you also have to be alert to conditions that are affecting the health of the dog, be typical of its age, among others. We name just a few:

  • Problems such as gastritis, reflux, hormonal imbalance, fever, oral diseases or strokes.
  • Situations derived from age, such as a lower energy requirement due to old age or the deterioration of the digestive system and taste.
  • Obstruction of the digestive system as a result of something improper that the animal has ingested (they cannot imagine the things that veterinarians find in the stomachs of dogs) or due to a congenital problem of the animal.
  • Some veterinary treatments that include the ingestion of medications or surgeries, considerably affect the appetite. Remember to ask about the expected side effects of certain treatments so that you are not taken by surprise.

    Now, if the lack of appetite is not at all related to his health, be it mental or physical, it means that it is the result of a bad habit that he has learned from you. If your dog tends to eat between meals, if as soon as you notice that he stops eating you mix things up to make it more appetizing, it means that you have involuntarily taught him to manipulate you so that he eats what he wants.

    cachorro no quiere comer 2

    While it is good for your dog to have a varied and healthy diet, it is also true that he should eat specialized food for him. Eating some foods that are healthy for us can be highly toxic to your body, for example onions or chocolate. Therefore, we invite you to stock your pantry with different types of food (dry food, canned food of different flavors, snacks), so you can offer a wide variety of flavors that will make it difficult for you to get bored with what you eat. You should also keep in mind that constantly changing his diet is not good for him.

    However, think that low appetite is not good for your pet, although they can go without eating for more than a week without representing a serious danger, you should know that their immune system can be affected, weakening it to defend itself against bacteria and viruses. . Also, if cycles of not consuming food are frequent, failure of some organs, such as the heart or kidneys , may occur. Therefore, do not succumb so easily to your pet’s whims, do not overfeed him and, especially, keep him a tasty, balanced and very varied diet, so he will not get bored.

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