Types Of Hedgehogs As Pets

Types of hedgehogs as pets

Hedgehogs as pets conquer more and more people around the world. It may seem strange at first, but these little animals are gaining popularity even on social media.

In fact, the term “hedgehog” refers to more than one terrestrial species of this tiny mammal with the raised nose and short quills. Although they share similarities in appearance, the specimens have different organisms, behaviors and origins.

Currently, 16 species of terrestrial hedgehogs are known. The most common specimen found in a pet store is the “long eared hedgehog.” However, the other species are equally exotic and charming, and can even better adapt to living with humans.

Hedgehogs as a pet: which species are best suited to the home?

We know that cats and dogs lead the ranking of most loved pets. But various more exotic animals are equally capable of bringing joy to a home and the lives of their owners.

1. Egyptian Hedgehog (or Long-eared Hedgehog)

The species Hemiechinus auritus is known as Egyptian Hedgehog or Long-eared Hedgehog . This specimen native to Egypt and some areas of Asia is the most popular of hedgehogs as a pet.

Its unique characteristics are the long ears and very short quills. Its coat is brownish, but the legs and face are dark brown. It also stands out for its speed, being the fastest species of land urchins.

2. European Hedgehog

“European Hedgehog” or “Common Hedgehog” is the popular name of the species Erinaceus europaeus . This specimen native to Europe is found mainly in the forests of France, Italy and Spain. Which explains its popularity on this continent.

Its body can measure 20 to 30 centimeters and it has a life expectancy of about 10 years. Their fur is brown in color, and can present a gradient of black, light brown and dark brown.

3. Dark oriental hedgehog

This species looks quite similar to the European hedgehog. Their fur has the same brown color, but the dark oriental hedgehog usually has a white spot on its chest. Their habits also differ. While the common hedgehog digs the ground, the eastern hedgehog makes grass nests.

Its scientific name is Erinaceus concolor . Its natural habitat is between Eastern Europe and Western Asia.

4. Balkan Hedgehog

It is how the Ericaneus romumanicus species , originally from Eastern Europe, is popularly known. Currently, it also inhabits parts of Ukraine, Russia and the Caucasus.

At first glance it can be confused with the eastern dark hedgehog. Its coat is mostly brown, but its chest is almost entirely white. The format of their jaw also gives them a different appearance from the other 2 specimens named above.

5. Amur Hedgehog (or Manchurian Hedgehog)

Its scientific name is Erinaceus amurensis , but it is known as Manchurian Hedgehog and / or Amur Hedgehog. It is a native species of Russia, China and Korea.

It is slightly larger than most other species. In adulthood, it can grow to be more than 30 centimeters. Its coat is made up of light colors of beige and / or light brown.

6. White-bellied hedgehog

The species Atelerix albiventris, which is native to sub-Saharan Africa , is popularly called White-bellied hedgehog . It can also be easily found in the savannah and crop fields of this continent.

Its body is totally white, highlighting the dark colored head. Their legs are very short and they only have 4 toes on the back.

7. Moorish hedgehog

This species is one of the few that managed to migrate and survive naturally on more than one continent. Currently, it can be found in its wild state in the countries of North Africa. Also on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, mainly in Valencia and Catalonia.

Its scientific name is Atelerix algirus and it is usually smaller than the other species. Its light-colored body is usually less than 20 centimeters. The most striking feature of this species is the remarkable bifurcation found in the spikes on its crest.

8. Somali Hedgehog

This native Somali species with the scientific name Atelerix sclateri is considered a disease in its country of origin. Its physical appearance reveals a white belly and dark brown or black legs.

9. South African Hedgehog

South African hedgehog is the popular name for the species Atelerix frontalis . This species lives mainly in African countries such as South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Their coat is mostly brownish in color with shades of brown. And the legs are almost always black. Its unique feature is the very noticeable white stripe on its forehead.

All types of hedgehogs as pets are capable of interacting and living with their owners. However, they need proper care to develop healthily. Responsible ownership is not limited to cats and dogs.

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