5 Most Poisonous Spiders

The venom of any of these species can be fatal to people if they are not treated in time.

We fear them, they repulse us and we can leave scared when we see one at home. However, some are harmless. In this article we will not talk about them, but about the most poisonous spiders that exist. In this way, you will be able to recognize them and escape if for any reason you come across them.

What are the most poisonous spiders?

It is said that the most poisonous spiders are the ugliest or the largest, but that is not true. Some may be small … And as for their beauty, it will depend on each person. What we can say for sure, and objectively, is which ones can inject substances that are more harmful to our health:

1. Brazilian wandering spider

It is also called ‘banana’ and, according to studies, it is the most toxic spider in the world. As if that weren’t enough, he has an imposing appearance – big as the palm of his hand – and with a rather aggressive personality.

The Brazilian wandering spider – the photo that opens this article – has two large eyes on the front and two smaller ones on the sides. Its body and legs are covered with hair. It lives in the Peruvian and Brazilian jungles, especially in banana plantations. If it bites a person, they experience loss of muscle control, breathing difficulties and death from suffocation within a few hours if not treated in time.

2. Fiddler spider

It is also known as ‘corner spider’ because it hides in places that are difficult to access. It is native to South America and is considered the most dangerous of its kind – Loxosceles – because its bite can cause death. The venom it injects is 15 times more toxic than that of a cobra.

The violinist spider measures about 30 millimeters with its legs extended, it is brown with a black line on the thorax, which resembles a musical instrument. He has nocturnal habits and usually increases his activities in hot weather.

3. Black widow

Another of the most poisonous spiders that exist and one of the most famous, so much so that there are characters, movies, musical groups and television shows with that name. They have been dubbed the black widow due to the female’s habit of eating the male after reproduction.

Black widow: reproduction

This spider causes a bite that, while not lethal to humans, can be quite damaging due to its size. Its poisonous glands are quite large compared to the body. In addition, the bite of a female is three times more powerful than that of a male.

4. Funnel web spider

This large spider native to Sydney, Australia (about three inches for females and five inches for males) is also very dangerous because it has large venom sacks ‘ready’ to be used when needed.

Its body is black with shiny, hairy legs, and its fangs and claws can be seen. It usually lives under rocks and fallen woods, so it prefers humid and dark places. It can kill children with its bite and, in this case, the male is more deadly than the female.

5. Wolf spider

The last of the most poisonous spiders on this list is also called ‘garden runner’ and although it is very dangerous, the truth is that it does not usually attack, but rather flee in the face of danger. Stings happen when it is hidden in a shoe or glove and becomes trapped. In more severe cases it has caused localized muscle necrosis.

The wolf spider lives in warm and temperate regions of South America, especially Brazil. It has eight eyes in three rows, long and spiny legs and a predominant black color with red or yellow spots. It measures about 30 millimeters, feeds on cockroaches, moths and crickets, and is mainly nocturnal.

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