Recycled Cat Beds

Recycled cat beds

Do you have a cat or are you going to have one and need a bed for it? Do the beds that are sold seem too expensive or not very original? Don’t have time to go out and buy one? Or do you just prefer to help the environment by recycling what you already have? Learn how to make cat beds by recycling materials you have at home.


Cat beds can be made with a wide variety of recycled materials, from an old 80s television (the kind with a bottom so that it is wide and the cat can move) to the box of fruit that you were given with yesterday’s purchase. . Let’s see how to make recycled cat beds.

With the tv

If you have the old TV lying around, the one that had a depth of 40cm and that is taking up space in the attic, because you don’t want to throw it away just in case and because how do you take that junk to the clean point, which is on the fifth pine, you can use it as a bed for your cat. For this, it must be emptied well, removing all the cables, chips and various guts and of course the screen, so that only the case remains. You can decorate the case if you want, painting it or with stickers or with everything at the same time or as you wish. Inside you put some cushions or a blanket and you already have an original bed that is also decorative and will give a different touch to your home.

With suitcases

If you have an old or damaged suitcase, it can be divided in half and used as a cat bed, with a cushion or blanket. As support you can use the legs of an old office chair, a coffee table to pull or even four baseballs (glued to the suitcase, of course. We don’t want the cat to fall) If the suitcase is very large, it can be worth various cats. In addition, if we have several cats (and several suitcases) they can be placed on top of each other, separated by sticks, or bowling pins or whatever comes to mind, as if they were a bunk bed. Something similar can be done with a drawer or even with the wooden boxes where the wine or fruit bottles come, suitably painted to make them cute.

A tent

In addition to a basket-type bed, which is more traditional, the cat can be made a tent with two wire hangers and an old t-shirt, simply by disassembling the hangers, bending them and placing them in a cross to form the frame of the tent and fastening them on top with masking tape. The frame is then tucked into the shirt and the underside of the shirt is sewn. The neck hole will be the entry hole and the sleeves can be adorned. Inside a cushion is placed and there we have our store for cats.

My cat sleeps outside. How do I make an insulating house so it doesn’t get cold?

contenedor poliestireno

To make an insulated house for the cat you need: a polystyrene container (it can be a refrigerator, the container where the new kitchen robot came or whatever it looks like a box and is big enough for the cat to have room to turn and lie in. Four screws are also needed in case the box has a lid and a razor, knife or something to cut the box.

The first thing to do is a hole in the side of the box, the size of a mousetrap hole or slightly larger, just enough for the cat to pass through, but not too large so that heat is better preserved . A cushion, towel, blanket or anything else soft and insulating is placed on the bottom and the lid is closed, if it has one. In any case, the box must never be left open or the cat will be cold. Screw the cap on at all four corners so that the wind won’t blow it off. Place the box in a sheltered spot with the hole facing away from the wind to keep it warm.

The cushion

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All the cat beds mentioned so far have a cushion so that the cat is more comfortable. And you will tell me, how funny! I do not buy the bed but I have to buy the cushion! Well no. You can make a cushion with recycled materials. It can also be done by buying the fabric or with fabric that is left over from doing something else (or that the grandmother has left from doing something else, which nowadays very few people sew …).

Out of nowhere with fabric that over something

Measure the basket, suitcase, drawer, box, TV or whatever you are going to use as the base for the cat’s bed. Choose a fabric that is soft and easy to wash. Trim the fabric so that it is one centimeter wider than the bottom of the bed. (If you don’t know how to sew, put three centimeters just in case). Cut another fabric the same size. At the edge of the fabrics (leaving a few millimeters for it to hold well) place some pins holding the fabrics together on three sides. Sew them by hand or by machine, as you prefer.

On the fourth side (or a third of the circle, if the base is round), sew a zipper. Keep in mind that the seams are on the inside of the cushion, so sew the zipper backwards (with the “handle” facing away from the one you are sewing). The fabric is then turned over (inside out) and stuffed with cushion stuffing. And you already have a cushion of the fabric you want.

With a long-sleeved sweater or T-shirt

You need: an old long-sleeved sweater or shirt and stuffed with a cushion, needle and thread.

Sew the neck of the shirt to close the hole. Fill the shirt with cushion filling and sew the bottom to close it. Fill the sleeves as well and close them by sewing. Then place them around the perimeter of the shirt as if it were a railing. Sew them to the rest of the shirt to hold them together and also sew the sleeve cuffs between them. In the place where they join you can place an ornament, for example a bow if your pet is female.

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