Thanks To A Russian Invention, Dogs Will Be Able To Breathe Underwater

Thanks to a Russian invention, dogs will be able to breathe underwater

A Russian invention offers the possibility for dogs to breathe up to 600 meters under water. Through this technology, dogs can help rescue submarine crews.

This technology is offered by the Vitali Davidov Foundation for Future Research.

The invention would consist in allowing liquid respiration that facilitates filling the lungs with a special liquid rich in dissolved oxygen that penetrates the blood.

Remember that drowning occurs in animals when the lungs fill with water. So they cannot get oxygen from the liquid that fills them. In this case, the lungs are not prepared to extract oxygen from a liquid. In this way, underwater they cease to be operational and the organism ends up dying sooner rather than later.

What’s new is that scientists have discovered a liquid compound called perfluorocarbon. This has the ability to be breathed as if it were air. This element has become essential in ophthalmology, for example.

Breathing liquid

dog swimming

Physicists and physiologists have always had the dream that liquids could be breathed. Achieving this could be the solution for different treatments in medicine, surgery, sports, and other scientific subjects. The advantages would be many.

Until now, the breathing of liquids has only been carried out in medical laboratories and in a purely experimental way.

It has been used to treat patients with collapsed pulmonary alveoli, such as premature babies, or those who do not have fully formed lungs. If this progress is achieved, it would be very important for the future, for studies related to the respiratory system.

Dogs under water

These special hydro-chambers that have been created will allow the dogs to be underwater for half an hour at a depth of approximately 500 meters. It must be said that the animals that have passed these tests are in perfect condition, and have endured the immersion without problems.

Dogs diving

Diving in dogs is fast becoming one of the most popular sports in recent times. It is a fast-paced exercise in which dogs of many different breeds can compete. Seeing who can jump the furthest from a raised platform in the water is one of the tests.

Any dog ​​that spends time with his toys in the water and has a love for it can compete in scuba diving. You can also train one to do the sport correctly, which will be a simple and interesting adventure.

Many animals are well known for their interaction in the water with people, as is the case with dolphins.

How to train diving dogs

The procedure for our friends’ diving will begin by selecting an appropriate location. You will need a pond or lake that is deep enough for the dog to safely submerge in and is free from obstructions or underwater hazards. The fountain does not have to be excessively large, but deep enough so that the dog does not touch bottom when it jumps.

Among the actions that we will carry out is to check that the dog enjoys being in the water. For example, a good trick would be to put his favorite toy a few times and see if he plays with it. If our dog friend does not pay attention to his favorite toy either, he is most likely not having a good time in the water, and the best idea would be to take it out.

A good job in the water

dog swimming

Another important point is to make sure that the work carried out by the dog under water is in a safe environment. That is, free of objects and obstructions on the bottom that could cause damage or serious injury when diving off the dock.

It is also effective to have gifts or trinkets on hand to reward and reward the dog. The excitement of getting these reinforcements will make the dog pay all his attention to his activities with the water. The excitement of chasing and catching the toy will cheer up the furry and allow him to perform well.

Finally, it is necessary to consider that not all dogs like water. As with people, they have their own characters, and tastes. It is not convenient to force.

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