10 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Dogs

10 life lessons we can learn from dogs

Did you ever think about what we can learn from dogs ? We care about training and socializing our pets. They tell us to show ourselves as the leaders of their packs and from there we demand obedience from them.

This should not be an obstacle to stop us reflecting on what these faithful animals have to teach us.

Let us learn from dogs

Sometimes we are in such a rush to get to who knows where that we lose sight of countless details and subtleties that could substantially enrich our existence.

Among the things that go unnoticed, surely there are many attitudes and behaviors of our dog, which perhaps would help us face life in a different way.

We will tell you just a few and leave the list open for you to add other lessons that your pet gives you daily.

 Show how much we care about someone

hug person dog

When you return home your dog cannot help but express the joy he feels to see you again. It is spontaneous and does not hold back. Humans have a much harder time expressing our feelings. It is time to begin to remove that self-limitation.

Be loyal

Dogs are always noted for the fidelity they show to their owners, being able to even expose their lives to take care of each and every one of the members of the family. But without going to these extremes, we know that we always count on your loyalty, through thick and thin.

How many times are we able to replicate this behavior, even with our dog?

Be alert

With their exceptional hearing and smell, our furry friends can overcome various dangers. Far from being able to develop those senses at the same level, we can insist on being attentive to our environment not only to prevent situations, but to perceive what may be happening to the beings around us.

Take the time to rest

Dogs sleep as long as they need to sleep. They do not force the machine as we humans do. Giving the body and brain the proper rest will surely open a range of unknown possibilities for us to face our day to day and go much further than we thought.

Do not lose the ability to play

Whether it’s a puppy, a young animal, or one that can already be considered an older adult, dogs are animals that are always ready to play and have fun. Use his example to bring out the child in you and dare to continue playing every day of your existence.

Exercise, walk, enjoy the outdoors

What your dog looks forward to every day may be an obligation for you. Learn then, like him, to enjoy walks, hikes and games in the open air. Disconnect a bit from the everyday madness.

Believe it or not, it is possible, and you will surely return home with renewed energy and much less stress.

Know how to forgive and not hold a grudge

Autor: Stella Maris
Author: Stella Maris

While our furry darlings may get upset and show their anger at us, they are quick to forgive us. And they don’t hold a grudge against us.

Leaving aside decidedly unforgivable issues, it would be good if we learned not to get caught up in the resentment of situations that can be overcome with a little good will and learn to forgive and forgive ourselves.

Let them take care of us

Many humans find it easy to be strong and protective but we find it difficult to allow others to take care of us, perhaps because we assume that they will see us as vulnerable. Be a little more dog in life and let them, from time to time, pamper you, feed you and take you out for a walk.

Do not discriminate

A dog does not notice whether you are cute or ugly, young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sick, white or black. If you love him and take care of him, he will love you and be faithful to you regardless of your race or condition. It would be great if people could avoid the barriers that we impose on ourselves to separate ourselves from others.

Bark but not bite

Barking dog does not bite, the saying goes. So let’s learn to show our point of view firmly. Even to get angry if necessary. But without ever reaching violence.

Life is a constant back and forth. So, let’s not waste the opportunity it gives us to learn from dogs how much they have to teach us.

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