If You Are A Busy Person, You Can Have These Dogs

If you are a busy person, you can have these dogs

If you are a busy person, you better not have a dog. Having animals at home implies the responsibility of taking charge of their care and well-being in different aspects. But if despite your many obligations, you like furry dogs very, very much, we will tell you which are the dogs that best adapt to your busy rhythm of life.

Things to consider before getting a dog if you are a busy person

poodle 2

As you surely know, dogs are pack animals. So they enjoy your company. And they don’t care about being alone for too long. And even if your busy day takes place within the confines of home, they don’t like it if you don’t pay attention to them.

Therefore, if you insist on having a furry one anyway, despite the little time you have to dedicate to it, it must be well socialized and educated. That way, you may avoid possible behavior problems due to your absence or lack of dedication. For instance:

  • Destruction of furniture, clothing, footwear, etc.
  • Pee or poop anywhere.
  • Barking, crying, moaning.
  • Suffering separation anxiety or some stereotypy (excessive licking, chasing his tail, etc.).

Before adopting or buying a dog, remember the responsibilities that come with it

So, if you are a busy person but still insist on having a dog, you should know that there are things that you cannot stop doing. Or that you must ask or pay someone else to do them. Take note:

  • Veterinary controls, vaccines, deworming.
  • Bathing and brushing.
  • Daily walks and exercises.
  • Adequate food.
  • Constant supply of fresh water.
  • Hygiene of your bed and other accessories.

What characteristics should a dog suitable for people with many occupations have?

Still on the run? It is that you, in addition to being a busy person, are determined to have a dog even if you do not have enough time for yourself.

Well, if you made it this far, we recommend choosing :

  • Adult animals. A puppy requires much more care. Perhaps the ideal is an old dog, who no longer wants to play and go for a walk. You can adopt it in a shelter.
  • Breeds that do not have too much energy. Forget working dogs (herding, hunting, etc.), although there are always exceptions.
  • Dogs that do not require much care of their coat. In other words, they have short hair.
  • Dogs not too big, unless they are very calm. In these cases, everything seems to be easier if it comes in a small bottle.

Consult a specialist about the most suitable dog for busy people

Although each dog is different, there are some breeds that, due to their characteristics, can become more adapted to busy people like you. Between them:

  • Poodle
  • Pug
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Bichon
  • Mastiff
  • Bulldog

In any case, before adopting or buying, take one of those moments that you do not have excess to consult a veterinarian or an animal behavior specialist. Surely the specialists will know how to advise you on which dog will best adapt to your lifestyle.

What if you better adopt a couple of cats?

two cats

Another option is that, if you have little time, instead of adopting a dog, you choose to have a cat. Felines do better on their own.

Although on second thought, the ideal is that you have two kittens. They will surely have a great time playing with each other and will not even notice your absence or the little time you can dedicate to it.

Of course , you choose the pet you choose, despite your many occupations, do not forget to show your affection on a daily basis. And play with it for a while. You will see how you renew yourself and remove the stress that your busy life surely gives you.

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