Tips To Keep Your Dog Cool In Summer

Tips to keep your dog cool in summer

The hot season is one of the most pleasant times of the year. You can enjoy the outdoor spaces for many more hours and in greater harmony with nature. However, high temperatures can pose serious health hazards. During these months, animals, like humans, are often very exposed to different types of risks. In the case of pets, if certain precautions are not taken, they can suffer heat stroke. That is why in this article we share some tips to keep your dog cool in summer and away from any type of risk.


dog in the water

  • If you go out for a walk with your dog, it is better that you do it in the evening hours. During that period of time, the sun’s rays are not as strong and penetrating. Avoid doing it at noon or nap time as it would be suicide not only for you, but also for your little friend. Also, don’t forget that asphalt surfaces can burn your little friend’s pads.
  • When you go for a walk, always remember to bring some water for your dog. That way you will prevent them from becoming dehydrated. Carry a couple of bottles of water with you.
  • If you plan to go shopping, it is best not to go with your dog. Although there are stores that you can enter without problems with your pet, it is best to leave your little friend at home. In case you have no other option and you have to take it with you, remember to leave the animal in a safe area, protected from the sun, to avoid dehydration. Some places usually place small bowls of water so that your pet can cope with the heat and also allocate a special area for those moments.
  • If you take your dog in the car, don’t leave him inside. You could get heatstroke. If you can’t help it, leave the car in a shady place so it can be cool and safe. Do not forget that, for an animal, being locked in a car can be deadly.


  • If your dog stays at home and you live in an apartment, give him enough water. You can buy a dispenser so you don’t run out of fresh liquid. Try to ensure that the space in which it stays has enough ventilation. If it is natural, much better. Refrigeration appliances can often worsen the health of pets.
  • If you live in a house, your dog can stay in the yard without problems, as long as it has a suitable and cool area to lie down. In case you don’t have a patio, set aside the coolest area of ​​your home for your little friend.

    What should I do if my dog ​​suffers from heat stroke?

    caress dog

    • Adult dogs and some brachycephalic breeds suffer a lot from heat stroke. The best thing is that, when the temperatures are very high, they stay at home. It is also not recommended that they exercise, as this could seriously worsen their health.
    • If you are in open spaces, try to cool your dog. You can let it go to a fountain or a water mirror. You can also wet it with a hose. If you decide for this option, do it in the evening, when the sun’s rays are not at their greatest splendor.
    • Try to feed your dog a healthy diet rich in nutrients. It is best to feed him when the hot hours have passed.
    • If you notice that your dog shows too much panting and that he is very weak, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. As first aid you can try wetting his body a little. For this you can use some wet towels and pass them through the belly, chest or back.
    • Take some cool water and moisten your mouth a little. Grab an ice cube or alcohol and rub it on the back of his neck. Massage her legs and limbs to improve her circulation. When you notice that his breathing has improved, quickly take him to your vet. The specialist will know what is the best treatment for your dog.

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