The Most Beautiful Friendships Between Cat And Dog

The most beautiful friendships between cat and dog

They get along like cat and dog ” is a phrase widely used to define the bad relationship between two people. However, despite this myth created around canine-feline relationships, it seems that a friendship between both species is not entirely impossible, is it? Let’s see curiosities around cat and dog.

There are many arguments that have been given to explain that cat and dog cannot be friends. Meanwhile, many claim to have a pet of both species and get along wonderfully well.

Can cat and dog be friends?

Despite being very different, since dogs are totally dependent while cats are not, there is something that opposites attract.

However, when two animals do not know each other, even when they are not of the same species, their reactions may not be as we expect.

Things change when there is trust. Although they say that trust is disgusting, defining that things get worse, in this case they are better.

Dogs and cats can become friends when they live together for a very simple reason. They respond to the feelings that others convey.

Once a dog and a cat live together, two things can happen, or rather, three:

  • Their personalities can fit together and get along wonderfully
  • They may not hit it off and fight
  • They may not hit it off and be fooling around with each other

Everything will depend a lot on both animals, as well as how they live and how they have been taught to be with others, be they animals or people.

The fact is that by living together, they consider themselves family, without thinking about appearances. For them, each one is part of the herd. Now, you have a lot to do with the success of this coexistence.

What to do so that your pets do not get along like cats and dogs

Sometimes animals get on badly because their territory is threatened. For example, if you already have a dog and you bring a cat, your dog may feel like he will lose your love and part of his place in the home.

Exactly the same can happen with a cat. So, whether or not you already have an animal at home, there are some guidelines that you must follow to be successful in the family union:

  • Make a formal presentation. Don’t come home and leave the new animal as if nothing happened. Those who already live at home will realize that something strange is happening and may feel threatened. Enter with the new one in your arms and gently introduce it to your pet. Leave them on the ground a bit to see how they react and as they get to know each other, move away.
  • Everyone should have their space. Each one should have their feeder, drinker, their place on the sofa or their place for the bed. Don’t try to get them to share, as this will bring more trouble.
  • Treat them the same way. It is normal that the novelty, that is, the new pet, attracts more attention now and you want him to feel at ease. However, giving extra pampering to one will arouse the other’s jealousy. Treat them the same way, it’s only fair.
  • Don’t force them. We understand that you want both of you to get along, but if you force relationships you will not succeed. Leave them at their own pace, let them get closer and little by little getting to know each other. It is only a matter of time that they get along, calm down.

    To show you that the phrase with which we started the article is nothing more than a myth, we want to show you this video that leaves no doubt that a dog and a cat can be friends.

    An irrefutable sample of very special friendships between both species.

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