5 Dangers For Your Dog In The Fall Season That You Need To Prevent

Each season of the year affects your dog in a way. With the arrival of autumn there are certain dangers that you must watch out for.
5 dangers for your dog in the fall season that you need to prevent

Not all seasons of the year have the same dangers for our pets, and not all of them feel in the same mood. This time we want to talk to you about the dangers for your dog in the fall season.

Dangers for your dog in the fall season

Summer is over, and with it, autumn begins, a beautiful season in which the orange and reddish colors along with a pleasant climate begin to sprout. However, this is not so much fun for our pets, because this season of the year brings with it a series of dangers for them that we must avoid at all costs. These are some:


After summer, fall can bring sudden cold days that affect our pet without realizing it. Normally, they stay warm at home, but when you take them out for a walk they can suffer a temperature shock that affects their health. Well, to avoid this, you have to make sure that your pet is dry at all times and that the temperature at home is not so high that this shock occurs when going outside.

On the other hand, if you think your dog is very susceptible to low temperatures, you can choose to put some type of sweater or wool clothing to protect him from these. If you have an adult pet, remember that lower temperatures can negatively influence their joint health, so it is recommended that at the beginning of autumn you go with her to the vet and do a check-up as well as obtain the medicines or necessary supplements.

Dogs with coats.


With the arrival of the end of summer, there are many towns that say goodbye to this with parties in which fireworks are present. You already know that your pet is very sensitive to loud noises and that especially fires are something they have a hard time with. Well, give your dog a safe place the day you know that these are going to occur, or even if necessary you can take it to the house of a friend or relative that is further away and where the fires are not heard.

Avoid going outside with your dog even if you live far from them, as the noises could lead him to want to flee and he could suffer an accident.

Mushrooms and fungi

If you have a tendency to walk with your pet in the forest, be careful with the appearance of mushrooms and fungi, as there are many poisonous that could end their life. Even many of those that we can eat are harmful to them. We recommend that you keep an eye on these walks during the fall season for more safety, since your pet could ingest one of these mushrooms without you realizing it.

Walks with your dog in the woods.

Beware of toxins

You already know that our dog eats everything in the street and that is why in autumn he must be especially watched. Car drivers start to use antifreeze in their vehicles, of which there could be drops that your pet ingests.

On the other hand, large companies or private houses apply rodenticides on their exteriors, because at this time is  when rodents begin to look for warmer places in which to take refuge. Be careful that your pet doesn’t even get close to them. It’s very dangerous.


Parasites reproduce in the fall. What can you do to prevent them from going to your dog? Lock him at home? Of course not. The best thing is that when autumn begins, you deworm your pet and apply some repellent product for parasites every time you take it out. Talk to your vet about the best products and also the best way to apply them.

As you can see, autumn brings dangers for your pet that you should avoid, but if you take into account the aforementioned advice, surely you can pass this season of the year without any mishap. Goodbye summer!

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