Why Do Many People Have Allergies To Cats?

Why do many people have a cat allergy?

For years we have heard people say they have a cat allergy. Even if one of our friends is one of these and you have invited him somewhere with us, it is very likely that he has asked: “Do you have a cat? Allergies are annoying and avoiding what causes them is essential for those who suffer from them.

Now, what is it that really causes a cat allergy? We explain everything to you in this article.

Causes of cat allergy

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All allergies, whatever their type, have a source: a weak immune system. Therefore, those who have allergies to cats is because their immune system is more sensitive to the pathogenic substances of kittens such as saliva, urine or dander.

Although many believe that cat hair is the main cause of allergies to felines, this is not the case at all. It is the dander or dead skin of felines that causes allergies. The size of this is 5 times greater than that of dust, so its presence in the air is longer. Thus the chances of being inhaled grow.

Symptoms of an allergic to cats

Like any other condition of this class, allergy to cats is very bothersome and uncomfortable. The most common symptoms are:

  • Swelling
  • Itch
  • Redness
  • Sneezing
  • Throat pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Itchy nose
  • Crying eyes
  • Nasal congestion

You should be alert if you have never had a cat allergy and have any of these symptoms. Be careful because at first glance it may look like a cold. If you see that they always appear when you are near one or more kittens, go to an allergist to do the relevant tests and determine whether or not you have a cat allergy.

Not all felines produce the same degree of allergies. For example, males have more secretions than females. With them the risk of suffering an allergy to cats is higher. On the other hand, if it is neutered, it will have much less secretions, so the risk decreases.

How to treat a cat allergy

The most common thing is that if you have a cat and they diagnose you with an allergy to felines, the first thing they will tell you is to get rid of it. We, who know that an animal becomes part of the family and that our love for them cannot be described, we give you some tips so that you do not have to go to those extremes.

Everything will depend on the degree of allergy you have. But if you follow these tips at home, things can improve a lot:


  • Do not let the cat enter the bedroom. The bedroom is one of the places we spend the most time. Do not let the cat enter it so that there is no residue of substance that can cause an allergy.
  • Avoid surfaces where dandruff sticks. This means rugs, carpets, and the like. These tissues trap cat dander very easily and you will have a better chance of inhaling it and making your allergy worse.
  • Wear masks. When you go vacuuming, sweeping, or dusting, wear a mask. This will protect you from cat dander. Better if it has a filtering system. You can also use it when you want to sit and play with your pussycat.
  • Bathe the cat and brush it. Obviously, this must be done by someone else and not the affected person. Brushing the cat twice every day will remove the dead skin and end the problem.
  • If it is male, shell it. As we have said before, neutered cats have less secretions, so if you want to avoid a higher degree of allergy, it is best to treat your feline.
  • Talk to your vet.  There are medications that can be applied or that the cat can take so that the dandruff is not so excessive and improve your health against the allergy.

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