Symptoms And Behaviors Of Heat In Dogs

Beyond the typical blood stains left on the ground during heat in dogs, both males and females show clear behavioral changes.
Symptoms and behaviors of heat in dogs

When our pet is ready to reproduce, it ‘undergoes’ some changes in its behavior. We can also detect certain physical and emotional symptoms during heat in dogs. We tell you more in this article.

Zeal in dogs: what to know

As a first step we have to learn even the basics about heat in dogs. It is a stage in which the female begins to ovulate and, later, to carry out reproduction.

During this period she will try to attract the attention of males in different ways. Hormonal changes interfere with the behavior and behavior of the animal, and we can realize that ‘something is happening’ with our dog long before we see blood stains on her blankets or pillows.

The first heat in bitches appears between six and eight months of life, and is repeated once or twice a year. This is to guarantee the survival of the cubs, an ‘inheritance’ that the wolves have received from their direct relatives.

The ‘period’ of dogs can last up to 23 days, but not in all that time does the female have the possibility of procreating. It is good to know that if the bitch is neutered, all the symptoms of heat will disappear.

Zeal stages of a female dog

Signs of heat in dogs

As with all mammals, females go through different hormonal, physical and emotional changes during heat. We can then observe that our dog behaves differently these days, and even that one morning she is one way and in the afternoon another. Some of the symptoms of heat in dogs are:

1. More loving

During the first days of heat, the bitch is likely to be much more affectionate than she usually is. She will also be more ‘attached’ to the owners and will continually seek pampering and caresses: she  may suffer separation anxiety if we leave her alone for many hours.

2. Swollen sex organs

This is one of the physical signs of female dogs when they go into heat. Swelling of the vulva is normal during the first two weeks of your period. In some dogs that area also darkens and you will probably see that it is licked more frequently.

3. Search for males

We must be very careful in case we do not want our dog to breed, if we observe that during a walk in the street or in the park she is closer to the males than to the females. When you are around a potential partner, you probably want to play alone with them and not pay attention to the rest.

Bitch looking for dog

4. Bleeding

Another of the typical signs of heat in bitches is blood loss, as it happens with women during menstruation. In this case, bleeding occurs in conjunction with vulvar inflammation and is used to attract the attention of males. It must be borne in mind that they are guided by smell and, through the blood, the female releases pheromones to attract potential partners.

5. Changes in diet

Some female dogs, when they are in heat, do not eat as usual. They may be staying longer than usual and showing a bit of reluctance.

And what about the males?

Males do not go into heat like females, but they do change their behavior when they detect that a possible mating partner is very close.

They may become more aggressive due to increased hormones, testosterone, and cortisol, may be very restless, bark or howl at night, try to run away from home, or mark territory everywhere through urine.

To avoid all these signs, both in males and females, the best alternative is castration. In addition, it has the benefit of preventing large litters that can lead to abandoned dogs on the streets.

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