12 Tips For A Person Allergic To Cats

A person allergic to cats can live comfortably with their pet by following some very simple guidelines to limit exposure to allergens. 
12 tips for a person allergic to cats

If you are allergic to cats, you are not alone. A large part of the world’s population suffers from one or more allergic disorders (an estimated 30-40%) and experts comment that the prevalence of allergic disease has increased worldwide.

Cat allergy is caused by proteins that are secreted in the cat’s skin, saliva, and urine. When these proteins are transported into the air or adhere to inanimate objects, from there they spread to the air and that is when their symptoms will be exacerbated.

Here are some very simple guidelines that can help you live without too much discomfort with your feline pet.

Measures aimed at limiting the spread of allergens produced by the cat

Person bathing his cat.

  1. Bathe your cat weekly : this measure can decrease the concentration of allergens on the skin by up to 84%. Use a shampoo formulated for pets.
  2. Brush the cat every day: Brushing removes loose hair and dander, thus helping to reduce allergens in the environment. You can also reduce the cat’s need for grooming by decreasing the distribution of saliva – and its proteins – that they distribute through the grooming process.
    • A person who does not have a cat allergy should brush. Preferably, in a room that the allergic person does not use or in a secluded area.
  3. Spay or neuter your cat – This is known to decrease allergen production.

Measures aimed at reducing the reaction of the person allergic to cats

  1. Get the diagnosis: Your GP will use a skin prick test or blood test to check for allergies. You may find that the allergic reaction is in response to something else, such as mold, dust mites, or another pet.
  2. Wash your hands frequently : especially immediately after touching the cat. In this way, you will avoid bringing your hands with your pet’s remains to your nose or other parts of the body.
  3. Avoid having a large number of cats because the more cats you have at home, the higher the concentration of allergens in your home.
  4. Change your diet: It is known that a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the number of allergic reactions. Additionally, taking an extra dose of vitamin C is believed to help keep sneezing at bay.
    • Other supplements, such as zinc picolinate and cod liver oil, also have anti-allergic properties and can help manage your cat’s allergy.
  1. Reduces pollution: the person who is allergic to cats, must bathe and change clothes frequently. The habit of showering before bed is especially important to reduce contamination of the sleeping area. On the other hand, it would be convenient to sleep in a room without cats.

Measures to be implemented at home

If you are allergic to cats, clean your home regularly.

  1. Avoid “dry” cleaning (using brooms and dusters) that can spray allergens from pets. Instead, use statically charged cleaning products or damp rags and mops that trap and remove allergens.
  2. Use HEPA filters: In addition to using a HEPA filter in heating and cooling systems, it is recommended to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter in the room where pets spend most of their time. This will reduce the allergen concentration 5-7 times.
    • Additionally, vacuum your home daily with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. Without this filter, the vacuum cleaner could spread the allergen over more surfaces in your home. Vacuum floors, upholstery, and curtains or blinds.
  3. Place the cat a bed or blanket in each room: this will allow to trap as much skin and dander as possible so that you can clean it later more easily.
  4. Keep cat-free areas in your home – one such place should be the bedroom. Keeping allergens out of the sleeping space, as much as possible, can go a long way.

If you are allergic to cats, keep these guidelines in mind to be able to live peacefully with your pets.

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