How To Strengthen A Cat’s Immune System

There is no miracle formula for a cat’s immunity, but there are many things you can do to improve it
How to strengthen the immune system of a cat?

The immune system consists of a set of organs, such as the thymus, lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen or liver.

Keeping a cat’s immune system healthy is essential to the cat’s life.

Diseases that affect a cat’s immune system

Feline immunodeficiency virus

It is not known how the virus affects the immune system of a cat, only that the ratio of two types of lymphocytes varies, CD4 + and CD8 + lymphocytes.

A weakened cat's immune system

Feline leukemia virus

The feline leukemia virus or FeLV causes neoplasms or tumors to appear and suppresses the activity of the bone marrow and the immune system in general.

Feline infectious peritonitis

for some unknown reason, the virus seems to mutate and enter some cells of the immune system, such as macrophages and monocytes.

Tips to strengthen a cat’s immune system

Offer him a high-quality, low-processed meal

Ideally, feed the cat raw meat or home-cooked food. You can also feed your cat good quality, well-processed canned food.

Cat eating meat

Use food supplements for a cat’s immune system

If the cat already suffers from a disease or is older, it may be useful to take dietary supplements.

Don’t overvaccinate your cat

If your cat does not go outside and is not in contact with other animals, vaccination may not be so necessary

Prevent your cat from suffering from obesity

Obesity can wreak havoc on a cat’s health and immune system.

Reduce stress and situations that can cause it

Changes in the home, excessive handling, loud noises, the absence of the guardian, as well as other factors, can cause stress in the cat.

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