What To Do In Case Of Cat Poisoning

What to do in case of cat poisoning?

Although animals are very clever and have more developed senses (especially smell) than ours, they can often eat or drink something that is not in good condition. Felines are very cautious and at the same time curious, therefore we must be careful to avoid poisoning cats. In this article we will tell you how to act in that case.

Carelessness and curiosity = cat poisoning

Like any living being, the cat can make a mistake and suffer poisoning. Although they are careful animals par excellence (more than dogs), they are also very curious and love to explore new things. Unfortunately, this behavior doesn’t always work out for them.

They can end up intoxicated, injured or poisoned by their desire to know beyond. The good news is that as its owners, we can prevent this from happening, or we can act quickly so that it does not become fatal by taking it to the vet. There are some techniques that we can try at home or in the car while taking the animal to the doctor.

First of all, we must know what are the poisons and poisons that can affect felines : acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, chocolate, arsenic, bleach, chlorine, insecticides, poisonous plants and poisonous insects.

All these products contain enzymes and chemicals that are toxic to cats, as their bodies cannot metabolize them. To know if the animal has been poisoned or poisoned, we must pay attention to the symptoms and signs. The most common are:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (sometimes bloody)
  • Coughing and sneezing
  • Skin irritation
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Gastric irritation
  • Muscle spasms, tremors, or seizures
  • Soft spot
  • Dilated pupils
  • Limb coordination difficulty
  • Frequent urination
  • Loss of consciousness

First aid in a cat poisoning

If we detect one or more of the symptoms indicated above, we must act according to the severity of the case. It is very important that we go to a veterinarian, but also stabilize the animal and collect all the necessary information to offer the professional. For example, if we find our cat drinking water with bleach, we will have to inform the doctor.

It is always good to treat the animal between two people, because while one calls the vet, the other can stabilize him. It is necessary to know that in matters of poisoning, time is money.

If the cat is very weak, unconscious or almost passed out, it is essential to take him to a light and ventilated area (for example the garden). Fresh air can cheer you up a bit. Also, clarity will allow us to see if you have any other symptoms. Lift it up carefully but firmly. If we do not have an outside environment, we can opt for the bathroom or the kitchen, where there is clean water.

In the case of detecting the source of poisoning, it is essential to remove it as soon as possible to prevent other animals or people from becoming intoxicated. Before doing so, we can take a sample to deliver to the veterinarian so that he knows the concentrations of chemicals or toxins.

Calling a professional will help us calm down, since in many cases it will tell us how to act and what not to do with the cat. The sooner we contact him, the greater the chances that our pet will be saved.

The professional and cat poisoning

One of the first questions that the veterinarian will ask us is what was the substance that caused the poisoning. Let’s try to find it so that the treatment is easier. Giving it the name of the product, the active ingredient, the potency and even the possible amount that the animal has ingested can be very useful.

While we wait for the vet, we should not give the cat water, milk, food or oil (unless the doctor tells us to do so). Since we do not know what we are dealing with, perhaps a home remedy can achieve the opposite effect to the desired one and make the picture worse.

Once our pet has been treated and medicated, it is very important to analyze its evolution and later remove everything that can cause poisoning on another occasion.

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