The Cavapoochons, Dogs That Are Always Puppies And Do Not Bark

Cavapoochons, dogs that are always puppies and do not bark

Genetic experimentation, especially when it comes to animals, is highly stigmatized. The debates that are formed around the subject of the manipulation of genes in the species, cover aspects as broad as ethics, practicality and risks, among many others. Despite opposition, a breed of dog called the Cavapoochons has recently been created , the product of the hybridization of three small dog breeds.

Something that must be taken into account is that all existing canine breeds are the product of the manipulation of genes through crosses, in whose breeding process specific characteristics are highlighted according to the purpose that is going to be used. give to the can. In this way, specialties were developed in which more than one breed stands out, whether for hunting, herding, surveillance, etc.


In this way, for the creation of the Cavapoochons some characteristics were taken into account that made the ideal companion dog. Some of these qualities were:

  • Create a small breed dog, ideal for adapting to small spaces and indoors.
  • That he did not make a lot of noise and did not bark to improve coexistence, especially with neighbors.
  • With hypoallergenic fur and fluids, to make it ideal for owners who suffer from allergies to dog hair or saliva.
  • Maintain a youthful and tender appearance.

Some of the selection criteria for the characteristics of the breed were based on the observation of the dogs that are fashionable in cities, where breeds such as Yorkis or the Maltese Bichon are very dominant.

maltese bichon

Now, it is false that it is a dog that does not age, as has been publicized on the Internet when talking about the breed. What happens with this dog is that it does not grow much, it reaches the size of a small dog, even a miniature, and it retains a face that looks like a puppy. That is, this breed if it ages, it only retains a youthful appearance.

However, the Cavapoochon is not yet considered a breed by the American Kennel Club, this is because its main criterion is that the specimens must exceed a thousand individuals so that future survival can be guaranteed. However, the pilot plan to incorporate the breed seems to be taking effect, and there are already more than a hundred specimens living in American homes.

Despite the fact that its maintenance cost is low and that it has an average life of close to twenty years, it is a dog with a high purchase price, reaching three thousand dollars, a situation that could hinder the popularization of the race.

Personality and caring


So far 12 individuals have been certified to work in nursing homes and hospitals as therapy animals, in large part because they are trusting, sweet and very friendly pets. They also have great patience, which is why they have been well received in homes with children. However, it must be borne in mind that due to their size, they can be injured by the smallest infants.

They are also energetic and playful animals, although they do not reach high levels of hyperactivity, so two walks a day and some play will be enough for them. They also do not require a specific diet and it will be enough to feed them twice a day, in moderate portions when they are adults.

It is also an intelligent pet and learns very quickly, even so it requires training so that it can successfully adapt to the rules of the home. Since its coat is long and tends to tangle, it is good to brush it at least twice a week, because without proper care of the coat, it can become tangled and accumulate dirt, which will surely lead to coat and skin problems.

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