Chihuahuas Are More Aggressive Than Pitbulls

Chihuahuas are more aggressive than pit bulls

For many years, Pit Bull Terriers have been considered one of the most aggressive breeds of canines. However, a study reveals that these dogs are much calmer than Chihuahuas, known for their small size and high dose of neurosis.

Studies conducted on the Chichuahuas

The Dognition page has recently published a study where the aggressiveness of dogs was measured in different situations. Also his aggressiveness with new or known people, children, known or new dogs, small, large, etc.


Of all the breeds studied, Chihuahuas were the most aggressive, especially with large dogs that they had never seen.

But there are more surprises in this study. It reveals that Pitbull Terriers were evaluated as one of the least aggressive breeds.

The results showed that our ideas are wrong. The pitbull terrier breed is quite calm, while the most neurotic and savage turned out to be the Chihuahuas.

In these studies, canine aggressiveness was evaluated in different situations, with unknown or known people, with children, with other dogs, etc.

A total of four thousand people, dog owners, participated in the research.

It is curious that among the 35 most common breeds, Chihuahuas turned out to be the most aggressive and neurotic. It was especially serious in his relationship with larger dogs.

The study emphasizes that Chihuahuas were only rated as moderately aggressive by their owners. But it was clear that this is so compared to other dogs.

As the study points out, this prejudice is even more accentuated due to the fact that many breeds are often confused with Pit Bulls.

This type of data is important to break with these prejudices. And even so that the owners of Pit Bull Terriers do not project the aggressiveness that they think their dogs have, being aggressive towards their own pet.

Canine behavior

The behavior of a dog depends a lot on the breeding they give it.

A dog is said to absorb the behavior and attitudes of its owners. Also the response of their owners to certain situations.

The stigma of pit bulls

This social stigma is nothing new. His reputation for being dangerous has led to the talk of him both in politics and in cultural settings. Even the Russian writer Dostoyevsky called him “a terrible beast.”

The media also contribute to the prejudice that exists towards pit bulls.

As an example, in 2008 a pit bull attacked a woman and had to be hospitalized. This fact generated 230 articles and dozens of televised reports, both in national and international news.

A few days before that, a “mixed” dog killed a 16-month-old boy and only one local newspaper reported twice.

Many people believe that the largest dogs are the most aggressive or wild and that the smallest are the most cuddly and calm.

This type of popular belief has led to the inclusion of Pitbulls in specific legislation in 900 cities around the world. Rules are created that range from having to use a gag to euthanizing them.

Chihuahuas characteristics

Chihuahuas tremble

It is a breed of small dog, well known for its small size.

In addition to being an adorable pet, he is an intelligent, restless and curious companion, who will offer a whole universe of affection to those who take care of him.

Its origin is in Mexico, in the state of Chihuahua, which was where it was discovered for the first time.

The Chihuahua does not have a defined personality of the breed. Depending on the education he has received, we can speak of a loving and cuddly dog ​​or a somewhat malicious and cunning breed.

It is a very intelligent and observant dog, who likes to get away with it.

In addition, our Chihuahuas will be very brave and faithful animals despite their small size. They are very devoted to the family and are always alert and restless, vigilant against any intruder.

They may show some jealous attitudes towards the relationships of whom they consider to be their owners.

They are not aware in many moments of their small size, which leads them to confront people or large dogs in the defense of their owners or properties.

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