4 Tips For Building A Doghouse In The Garden

In this article you will find out what materials and what design you need to build a doghouse in the garden at home; keep in mind that it must be comfortable, protected from the cold and against inclement weather
4 tips for building a doghouse in the garden

If you consider yourself a true ‘handyman’ or do not want to spend too much money in the home of your pet, do not hesitate to read this article. We will give you some more than useful tips so you can build a doghouse in the garden.

How to build a doghouse in the garden: tips

The appropriate material, the correct location, the necessary robustness … There are many things that we must take into account if we want to build a doghouse in the garden:

1. Materials

Keep in mind that the materials of the doghouse must meet certain conditions: insulate from the cold, protect from heat and avoid humidity. They must also be kept in good condition despite rain, wind, snow or sun.

Although plastic is the most used in purchased booths, when the idea is to build it yourself, the best thing is wood. In addition, this material has the advantage of protecting the animal from inclement weather.

2. Base

Regardless of what material the kennel is made of, if we want the dog to be comfortable inside, it must have a cement base or similar. In this way, it will form an air chamber that will isolate the moisture from the soil, especially if we put it on the ground or grass.

Our pet should not sleep directly on that concrete, as it is somewhat uncomfortable. It is essential to place a mat, blankets or fabrics that allow you to sleep well without being too hot in summer.

Dog house for garden

3. Size

Another very important issue when we think about building the doghouse in the garden is the size. Many make the mistake of making a small house for a puppy, and then, when the animal grows up, they cannot even go through the door. Or even if it is medium in size, and we decide to adopt another pet, they will not be able to share it.

Of course, it all depends on the place we have available in the garden and how we think the adult dog will be. If, for example, we adopt a golden retriever, we must know that as an adult it will have a considerable size. If instead we bring a poodle or a bulldog, it probably does not need too much space.

4. Maintenance

Once we build the house it is not a matter of forgetting it. The weather, insects and daily use deteriorate it. To keep it in condition for a longer time, it is good to do a complete cleaning every season – for example, after winter ends – and paint it so that the wood does not rot.

Inside, changing and washing the mats, mats or rugs will prevent the house from having a bad smell or the accumulation of parasites, such as fleas and ticks. Do not hesitate to apply some repellent inside during cleaning.

How to build a doghouse in the garden

Now that you know the basics of a doghouse, the next thing to do is get down to business and build it. What you will need is the following:

  • Wood Ribbons
  • Screws and screwdriver
  • Varnish and brush
  • Saw or jigsaw
  • Mounting adhesive
  • Cement
  • Asphalt cardboard or tegola
  • Non-toxic anti-humidity paint

Doghouse in the garden

When you have gathered all the materials, we recommend that you follow a guide or map: there are several options on the internet. If you have never made a doghouse in the garden, we recommend that you follow a basic design. The steps to follow are:

1. Take the measurements of the woods and cut them (you can also buy them already cut according to the design).

2. Start by making a wooden base and covering with cement.

3. Assemble the four walls separately by placing the wooden slats side by side to the desired height. Remember that one of them must have a comfortable entrance so that the animal can enter and exit without problems.

4. Join the four walls at the ends (it will be like a cube without a lid or base).

5. Nail or screw the walls to the base, the one with the entrance ‘facing’ forward.

6. For the ceiling, you can make two wooden structures –similar to those for the walls– for a ‘gabled’ design, which allows water to fall, or one for a more minimalist design.

7. Place the asphalt cardboard on the inside of the roof to increase the insulating capacity.

8. When it is finished, it only remains to varnish and then pass two layers of paint to make the shed last longer.

Finally, locate the house facing south or west, as this way the animal will be protected from the wind. You can add a curtain to prevent water from entering when it rains.

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