Get A Call On Infallible Dogs

It is about training progressively and using positive reinforcement; the importance of complying with this order resides in that thanks to it even dangerous situations can be avoided
Get a call on infallible dogs

The call in dogs is one of the basic commands that we should all master. Some are able to learn it on their own, but for those who find it a bit more difficult, we help you teach them this useful tool.

The importance of the call in dogs

Of all the commands a dog can learn, the call is perhaps the most important. We not only need it when it is time to leave the park and go home: it can be essential if the dog is about to put himself in danger and we want him to come to our side.

That is why it  is important to start training the call in dogs as soon as possible and to do it in a way that always works; you don’t know when you’re really going to need it.

Puppies learn very quickly and it is an order that they will use throughout their lives. However, adult dogs can learn it too. Dogs never stop being able to learn : if your dog is over five years old, he will still be able to incorporate it into his repertoire.

Use positive reinforcement

To establish an infallible call in dogs it is necessary for the dog to associate us with something very pleasant; so nice that it encourages you to stop what you are doing and come to us. For this command it is essential to use positive reinforcement: give him a reward when he does it well.

How to make the dog obey the call

As a reward we can use many different things, but the juiciest and most comfortable thing is always the food: pieces of sausage, dried meat or biscuits for dogs are the most used prizes. It doesn’t have to always be the same prize: find out which one you like best by trying different appetizers.

Don’t correct him if he ‘messes up’: part of learning is making mistakes; if you don’t know what it is to do it wrong, you cannot know what it is like to do it right. Have a little patience the first few times you practice this command and focus only on what it does well.

Set the order

To establish the call in dogs, the first step is to decide the keyword, which will be the one we use to call the dog. The most common is “come!”, But anyone will do. Pick just one word and agree with the rest of your family to use just that one.

To teach an order, you will  say the word only once, followed by your dog’s name. The moment he arrives with you, give him the award. Do not wait for him to sit down, or for him to ask you: give it to him as soon as he arrives at your side. This way you will relate the fact of approaching with the prize and not with other things.

Games and activities for dogs

To test this command and teach it to your dog accurately, follow these steps:

Step 1

Start practicing this exercise indoors, with the dog a few meters from you. This makes it easier to understand what you are asking, as well as avoiding other distractions that can be found on the street.

  1. Say the chosen word, followed by your dog’s name.
  2. If he ignores the word, you can use other words, sounds, gestures. .. But give the order only once. Repeating it confuses the message.
  3. The moment the dog reaches your side, give him the treat.

Stand back a few meters and repeat these steps. In a few repetitions, the dog will have understood that when you say that word you want it to come to your side. When you say them and your dog starts walking to go to your side, you are ready to raise the difficulty.

Step 2

You will also do this step at home, but you will need the help of family or friends. Sit in a large room in a circle or spread out over several rooms. Explain how this order works, and you will say it in a random order so that the dog will go to each one. Remember:

  • The order is only given once. Other words, sounds or gestures are allowed to get the dog’s attention.
  • The award must be awarded as soon as it reaches your side.

Do a couple of rounds of calls, and when the dog has mastered this exercise, you can go outside to practice it. The increase in difficulty should be progressive: first wait until you have it mastered at home, then at home in groups, then at home with a lot of distance between the people who call you.

How to make the dog come to your call

When you go out, first try to have few distractions and few people. Then he increases the meters to which you call him, and only after that you can try to interrupt a game with another dog when you call him.

Keep in mind that on the street there are many other stimuli to pay attention to. Be patient if your dog takes a moment before arriving at your side: the important thing is that he comes, not that he does it in a fast way.

It is very important that this difficulty increases little by little: if you want to move too fast, you are asking your dog for more than he can give you and the command will stop working. You should try new environments and challenges gradually, so that he learns that he always has a reward and that it is worth leaving what he is doing to come to you.


Once the dog call works in the park, surrounded by more dogs, with other noises in the environment, it is considered to be learned. However, it is such an important command that you should never stop practicing it.

From time to time, bring prizes to the park and rehearse the order a few times. You can even get into the habit of always bringing down a couple of cookies and calling him randomly in the park.

The call in dogs is a very necessary tool for safety and coexistence at home. It is a very simple command to learn and practice, so when the dog has mastered it, never stop practicing it.

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