Hypertension In Cats

Hypertension in cats

Hypertension in cats can develop silently and poses a serious health risk to your pet. Today we invite you to learn more about the symptoms and ways of preventing and treating this disease.

What is hypertension in cats?

Like humans, cats can suffer from hypertension and other heart-related conditions.

Hypertension happens when the blood pressure inside your arteries is high. That is, higher than the parameters established as normal and healthy.

When it comes to cats, the levels are considered of concern when the pressure exceeds 160/95 mm Hg.

Siberian cat lying

Hypertension can appear on its own, thus being the primary pathology that affects the animal.

But the cat can develop this disorder as a result of other conditions that affect its health. Hypertension appears then as a secondary pathology, being also a symptom.

What are the main causes of this condition?

In this respect, hypertension in felines also resembles that in humans. Its main cause is related to unhealthy habits that lead to being overweight and sedentary.

In these cases, it is usually the main disease, and can be combated with simple changes in the animal’s routine.

Many cats develop high blood pressure as a result of hypothyroidism. When it is not treated properly, this hormonal condition damages the metabolism, favoring overweight and its associated diseases.

Chronic kidney failure also appears as a common cause of hypertension in kittens. It mainly affects animals that do not hydrate properly or that have an excessively protein diet.

How to measure the blood pressure of cats?

The technique is very similar to that of measuring human blood pressure. The aim is to accommodate the device’s cuff on the animal’s leg and perform the measurement.

It seems easy, but it can be complicated depending on the experience of the human who manipulates it. The ideal is to generate the minimum possible stress to the animal so as not to interfere with the measurement.

An emotionally upset cat can be the victim of a false diagnosis of hypertension. That is to say: the animal can present high pressure due to the context to which it is subjected, and not a disease.

Therefore, the diagnosis of hypertension in cats also takes into account the clinical history of each animal. And it must be done by a trusted vet.

Symptoms of feline hypertension

As we see, hypertension in cats and humans can develop silently. Or have its first symptoms mistaken for a simple bad feeling.

Here are the main signs of high blood pressure in our pets:

  • –Hyperactivity and anxiety.
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Changes in eating behavior, temperament and / or use of the litter box.
  • Temporary blindness
  • Alterations in the urine and damage to the kidneys.

In more severe cases, hypertension can lead to neurological disorders. The animal begins by showing excessive sensitivity to light, blinks frequently and has difficulty moving. As the disease progresses, you may suffer from ataxia. Ataxia is a serious difficulty in coordinating the limbs.

As it is usually an asymptomatic disease, it is important to be very attentive to prevention. And it is essential to go to the vet when recognizing any disorder in the habits or behavior of the animal.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment depends on the cause of the hypertension. If it is presented underlying another pathology, the treatment must be more specific to combat the primary cause.

The vet will determine the need for antihypertensive drugs to help control blood pressure. It is worth remembering that this is the only professional trained to recommend an appropriate treatment for each animal.

Cat at the vet

How to prevent the condition?

Hypertension is usually related to being overweight, sedentary and other associated diseases. Therefore, a healthy and active routine is essential to prevent it.

It is recommended to balance your cat’s diet and encourage him physically and mentally to expend energy and lose weight.

The affective bond between master and pet is also a powerful ally in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Providing petting and a calm environment for your cat can help it to be stronger and healthier.

To prevent hypertension in cats and many other pathologies, it is essential to make regular visits to the vet. In addition to respecting the vaccination and deworming letter.

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