Consequences Of Cigarette Smoke In Dogs

It is not advisable to expose your pet to tobacco smoke, it can cause multiple problems and diseases in them.
Consequences of cigarette smoke in dogs

Pets “smoke” in many ways

Woman walking her dog in the street while smoking.

Both dogs and cats groom themselves, but especially the latter. In this regard, note that s i smoke in the same room where your pet is, all the snuff residues remain on your skin and hair. So when you go to groom yourself, you will end up ingesting the toxic substances.

The same goes for environmental pollution. If you live in places with a lot of pollution, it is possible that the animal’s fur and skin accumulate dirt and that the polluting particles

On the other hand, all the furniture in the house, as well as the clothes you wear, will be in contact with tobacco smoke. And if you hug your dog while he is in his bed, you will leave residue in it too.

While all of this is harmful, the most direct and harmful is cigarette smoke in dogs. 

Risk of cigarette smoke in dogs

Sick labrador retriever eye.

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Skin problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Eye irritation
  • Cardiovascular problems 
  • Increased risk of developing tumors

Tobacco intoxication

A puppy finds a cigarette on the ground.

  • Cough
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Agitation
  • Excessive drooling
  • Neurological effects

Recommendations if you are a smoker and live with animals

Try to smoke outside or in a place that your pet does not have access to.

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