A Dog Touches Social Networks With Amazing Recovery After Suffering Extreme Scabies

A dog touches social networks with amazing recovery after suffering extreme scabies

Of all the skin diseases that a dog can suffer from, mange and, especially extreme mange, is one of the most delicate, since when it is not treated correctly, it can have complications that will endanger the health of the dog.

Even though there are some of these animals that die when it worsens, there are others that manage to survive even in the most extreme cases.

The stone canine

perro con sarna extrema
Photo source: larepublica.pe

This is what happened with Petra, a mongrel stray dog ​​from Athens, called this way and known to many due to a very aggravated case of extreme scabies from which she suffered, which made her look as if some parts of her body were made of stone.

And it is that to the horror of many people, the state in which the skin of this poor canine was found was so shocking that it was impossible to think that it could be normal again, since in some cases where extreme scabies has been complicated, the dog can hardly look like before.

Extreme scabies and panic

Shortly after this publication, the Save a Greek Stray dog ​​shelter would learn of the case and proceed to look for the canine in order to take her to their enclosure and be able to do everything possible to provide the most appropriate treatment, not only with the In order to save her, but rather that she could have a healthy skin condition again.

The one who was most moved by this situation was Valia Orfaniduo, who is part of this shelter and specializes in the rescue and rehabilitation of canines suffering from different types of diseases.

As this young woman would comment, the reason why Petra’s case generated so much feeling was because it was noticeable that she was suffering, not only from the injuries and the shocking scabs that existed on her body, but also because of the little treatment she had. with the people, product of these.

And it is that one of the biggest problems that the canine had was not only the disease itself, but also the panic that people had, a product of different rejections and mistreatment that had suffered by some people, they treated like some kind of monster.

Goodbye to fear

Making Petra could handle without any problems other will be proved more difficult than recovering from his illness, because as would comment Orfaniduo, the bitch will not even let herself be touched by anyone, and hid when he opened the cage, so it was a more difficult case than expected.

However, little by little the canine of mixed race began to gain confidence in others, to the point that it already began to wag its tail when it saw someone, which was the maximum sign that everything was going smoothly.

Once Petra stopped feeling fear for others, she began a recovery in which few believed, since in addition to extreme scabies, she had a strong state of malnutrition that would not allow her to have the necessary strength.

Surprise on social media

perro que tenia sarna extrema
Image source: larepublica.pe

Just over ten months after Petra was treated satisfactorily, Orfaniduo posted a photo on Facebook where she can be seen as if she were another canine, as she is healthy, very happy, and without a single scab on her skin.

This has been an image that has gone around the world, since the transformation of this canine has been considered a kind of miracle, given the enormous difference that existed between before and now.

Without any doubt, it is a touching story in which it is shown that regardless of the adversity that is being experienced, there will always be an opportunity to recover.

Source of the images: larepublica.pe

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