Activities For The Family And The Dog

Beyond walking or playing ball, there are a series of things, the most varied and eccentric you can imagine, that you can do with your dog; However, there is one that is unavoidable: do not ‘abandon’ your best friend on vacation
Activities for the family and the dog

Having a dog at home is something the whole family loves. The problem is that they cannot accompany us to many places, and seeing how the children are sad when we leave the pet at home breaks our hearts. Do you want to know what activities for the family and the dog can be done? Well, take good note!

List of activities for the family and the dog

Get marry

Yes, what better way to start a new family than by taking the dog to the wedding? Maybe it’s the second wedding. Kids sure love having it around them!

Dog attending a wedding

In addition, the dog, if it is well behaved, could participate in the event in different ways. For example, it could take the earnest, be in photos or even take the bride to the altar. Do you join the plan?

Eat out

This is one of the most common situations and for which we most often leave the dog at home. However, there are more and more places and establishments that allow entry to our dogs. In fact, there are some who have even prepared a special letter for them.

Let’s doga!

Do you know what doga is? A mixture of yoga and dog , the word used for ‘dog’ in English. Well, yes, dogs can learn to doga and imitate movements. This idea came about when a yoga teacher watched her pet ‘copy’ her movements.

Dogs that can do yoga

Can you imagine the laughter of children when they see the dog imitate these movements? They will surely try to make me imitate them too and you can have a fun afternoon!

To run!

There are races like the perrotón, in which a member of the family can join together with the dog. The others could cheer him on and give him water or whatever both participants need.

If not, something simpler, a family run through the park. You can race with each other, although we already warn you that your dog will always win.

of shopping

Why not? You can go to the shopping center, where dogs are already allowed, both in the common areas and in the shops. You can propose a plan to the children: spend a certain amount of money – the smaller, the more fun the adventure will be – on each member of the family, including the dog.

It is safe to carry the dog in bags

You can spend the afternoon looking for a gift for each one that does not exceed that small amount. It can become quite an odyssey! Then having a drink together in a local will be the icing on the cake to an exhausting afternoon, but very fun.

To the subway!

There is nothing a child likes more than riding public transport. Even if you are used to going by car, plan an afternoon somewhere that you will reach by metro or bus. Obviously with your dog. Kids will love being possibly the only transportation kids traveling that day with their dog.

Don’t leave your dog on vacation

One of the biggest concerns of children and adults when we are on vacation is if our dog will be well. Children will surely ask you a thousand times during those days. Why don’t you take it with you?

There are already many hotels, campsites, apartments and other accommodations that allow pets. In addition, there are ‘apps’ in different parts of the world where they stay with other pets so that your dog can also have fun on his vacations, although we already anticipate that, knowing him, he will be happy just to be with you.

What do you think of these activities for the family and the dog? They are easy to carry out and surely everyone will enjoy a lot.

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