Choose The Appropriate Horse Size

Choose the right horse size

To choose a horse correctly it is necessary to consider a series of elements, among which is the size. This article shows the most important aspects when choosing the horse, paying special attention to the appropriate horse size for our needs.

First questions to consider

When purchasing a horse, it must be taken into account that it is an animal that requires work. In other words, you have to make an economic investment and dedicate time to it.

Many people want to have one, whether for hobby, work or sport. However, when it comes to choosing, they are confused by the diversity of options.

Well, what do you need to take into consideration? Does horse size matter?

Choose based on race and character

There are important details to analyze before buying a horse. Among them it is necessary to inquire about the characteristics of each breed and the temperaments of each one.

Person stroking a horse

Thus, it is recommended to consult experts and a trusted veterinarian. If it is the first experience, it  is advisable to  choose an intelligent animal with a calm temperament.

Horse size: not a minor issue

One of the first questions to be resolved is what the equine is desired for. Based on this, the ideal horse size will be evaluated.

Horse or pony?

When talking about size, mentioning the ponies cannot be ignored. These  are less than a meter and a half at the withers, while the horse is considerably larger.

However, believing that a pony will make tasks easier and riding her is a misconception. It is true that the pony is smaller, but it is generally more stubborn and of a worse temperament.

Size: what is the harmonious constitution

The size is related to the morphology, so it should go hand in hand with the work that the horse performs. The following must be taken into account:

–Head: neither too big nor too small.

  • A large head will add weight to the forequarters. A thick throat will make it difficult for the animal to flex well.
  • A small head has a small mouth, which will make it difficult for the mouths to settle.
  • Small ears can denote nervousness due to having a small ear.

–Neck size.

  • The ideal is a medium size, not too thick on top or short on the bottom.
  • A short, thick neck is more difficult to handle when riding.
  • The thin necks above and muscular below will pose a problem  due to the resistance they will exert on the jaw.
  • The insertion of the neck into the backs must be proportionate.

    Galloping horse

    –Back and rump.

    • A rather short and muscular back is better  than a broad one.
    • A cross higher than the rump
    • You should research what breeds are available on the market and define goals.

    Relationship between the rider’s weight and the animal’s weight

    Another issue to assess is the size of the horse depending on the weight of the owner.

    Why does this relationship matter? According to research on horse health,  there are increasing problems associated with the rider’s weight.

    Studies have shown that  the person who rides should not exceed 10% of the horse’s weight, otherwise the animal could suffer back problems. The back pain of a horse has the following symptoms:

    • Moving too much at the time of being ridden.
    • Biting or grunting when cinching.
    • Run away or remain motionless when riding the rider.

    Observe behaviors

    Once the horse has been defined according to breed, morphology and size, we must evaluate the way it behaves: the character and habits it has acquired, since being a sociable animal it tends to learn. So,  once the animal has been preselected, the rider and the horse have to share some time in their current habitat.


    Among the factors to consider when choosing a horse, it is necessary to know that size is key. We must analyze its constitution and decide based on the activity that we are going to develop with the animal, as well as compare the rider-horse weight ratio.

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