The 8 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

The 8 most expensive dog breeds

Many lovers and professional breeders do not hesitate before spending whatever amount is to acquire a featured animal. Whether exotic, purity of lineage, intelligence or beauty, the most expensive dog breeds in the world are a true financial investment.

We know that some breeds stand out and are charming, awakening the will to have them as a pet. However, there are numerous puppies and adult dogs available for adoption in our country’s animal shelters. These little animals are not only capable of loving and obeying, but they will also be grateful for their entire lives.

Many volunteers dedicate their time and resources to recovering abandoned or street-born animals. So before spending a fortune on a purebred pet, why not give someone who needs it a second chance? There are alternatives to the more expensive dog breeds.

Why is one breed more expensive than the other?

There are internal and external reasons to the animal that can raise or lower its price in the market.

Internal factors

They are biological factors and innate to the animal.

Samoyed dog in the snow

Some of the more expensive dog breeds have greater difficulty in reproducing. The size, fragility and adaptive capacity of each animal make the difference. Especially when it comes to breeds that have undergone a radical change in habitat.

In these cases, breeding requires specific care and a favorable environment to reproduce optimal development conditions. That explains why the most expensive dog breeds are often the most exotic as well.

External factors

Each generation has different needs and preferences due to the constant cultural changes in society. While some breeds become fashionable thanks to the media, others stand out for their work and learning skills.

Fashion is not harmful in itself, but it tends to indirectly encourage unconscious buying and the consequent abandonment of pets . An animal should be seen as a life to be respected and cared for, not as an ornament for the home.

What are the most expensive dog breeds?

  • Lowchen

This breed, popularly known as “Little Lion Dog”, leads the ranking of the most expensive dog breeds. It is little known around the world, it has a temperate character, a great disposition and a small size. The price of a Lowchen puppy is between € 6,000 and € 8,000.

  • Samoyed

A breed native to Siberia that was classically used to herd reindeer and pull sleds. It is an energetic and agile dog, it has a voluptuous white coat and black lips that seem to simulate a smile.

But its beauty is expensive. Compete on an equal footing with Lowchen for the top spot on this list. A Samoyed puppy can cost between € 5,800 and € 8,000.

  • English bulldog

This good-natured is one of the most popular dogs in the United States and has conquered hearts all over the world. Although he is a bit clumsy and lazy, he loves to play and is fun for children. A pure English Bulldog puppy can cost € 7,500.

  • Chow chow

This breed from the Arctic area was fashionable in Europe and America. They are really beautiful and exotic, but they are prepared for extreme cold, being able to suffer in warmer climates. The average value of a pure Chow Chow puppy could be as high as € 7,000.

  • Tibetan Mastiff

This giant breed originally from Tibet registered the most expensive sales value in history. It has a voluptuous coat and a friendly expression. His character is temperate and very independent. Currently, its minimum price in the market is between € 4,000 and € 6,500.

  • Akita Inu

This breed originally from Japan is the owner of a remarkable bearing and famous for its bravery. However, their possession is considered dangerous in countries like Argentina and Spain thanks to their excessively dominant temperament. The market value of an Akita puppy is around € 3,500.

Cachorro de perro akita americano
Source: Bchappell702
  • Rottweiler

This breed is one of the most beloved in the world. He is very talented as a guardian, a remarkable intelligence to learn, and a faithful and temperate character. A versatile, energetic and very companion dog. But you need a proper socialization process to control your dominant instinct.

Although it is much more known and popular than the other more expensive dog breeds, its value is not much different. A pure Rottweiler puppy can cost between € 2,000 and € 6,000.

  • Pharaoh hound

It is an exotic breed and little known around the world. Another sample of the most expensive dog breeds. It is an excellent option for those who are looking for a very obedient dog and have a privileged budget. It has pointed triangular ears and an elongated fine nose, both of which turn pink when the dog is happy. The Pharaoh Hound puppy costs between € 2,000 and € 5,500.

Main image source: Francisco Marquez

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