5 Natural Oils That Should Be In Your Dog’s Medicine Cabinet

5 natural oils that should be in your dog's medicine cabinet

More and more people decide to take their pets to a naturopathic doctor and treat them with home remedies. In this article we will tell you which are the best natural oils that should be in your dog’s medicine cabinet. Of course you deserve the best!

Your dog’s first aid kit

We already know that our pet must be well cared for and treat it accordingly. Perhaps for some, putting together a kit for the dog is too excessive, however in certain circumstances it can be used for first aid or even to avoid an emergency visit to the vet.

fear of the vet

Experts recommend assembling it with the following elements:

  • Omega 3 supplements based on salmon, flax or evening primrose oil for hair problems.
  • Flaxseed, macademia nut, jojoba oil or clay green earth for skin problems.
  • Arnica, horsetail or devil’s claw for joint pain.
  • Hawthorn, Valerian, Passionflower, Sandalwood, or Frankincense for behavioral problems, fear, anxiety, or nervousness.
  • Flaxseed, chamomile, green nettle or horsetail for mite or food allergies.
  • Aloe vera for insect bites.
  • Echinacea or basil to strengthen the defenses.
  • Manuka honey for burns or superficial wounds.
  • Fennel, seaweed, nettle or clay green soil for dental plaque and bad breath.

Essential oils for dogs

This thousand-year-old therapy offers many benefits to people’s health and for some time there have been animal specialists who prescribe and recommend them. Owners can put together a first aid kit for dogs including natural oils. Here we tell you which are the most outstanding options:

1. Peppermint Oil

It is a digestive stimulant that reduces the pain caused by eating a lot or something in a bad state. In addition, this oil is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, serves for respiratory problems and acts as a natural energizer. It is used for example in competition or working dogs. It should not be applied near the eyes and nose or open wounds.

2. Lavender

Of the most used in naturopathic medicine for people and animals. It is analgesic and healing. It is used for cuts, burns, minor skin irritations and scrapes. As for its “emotional” properties, it contributes to a good sleep and promotes relaxation. It can be useful before traveling by car.

3. Chamomile

Another powerful relaxant that reduces fear and anxiety. It is used for Christmas parties, so the dog is calmer. At an organic level it is analgesic and anti-inflammatory, regenerates the skin and treats moderate pain or bumps.

4. Tea tree

tea tree oil

You need to make sure that this oil is pure, because otherwise it can be toxic to dogs. It has antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is ideal for your dog’s medicine cabinet. It should only be used with the advice of an expert.

5. Tangerine

This citric oil cannot be used on hairless skin parts (such as the belly), since its contact with the sun causes irritation. The pleasant aroma relaxes the mind and promotes a feeling of harmony and calm. It is also used to relieve digestive problems, fight depression, boost the immune system, and detoxify the liver.

It is good to know that if the animal suffers from a serious illness or we are not sure what it is suffering from, we will have to take it to the specialist doctor to indicate the appropriate treatment. In the case of puppies and pregnant females, never self-medicating is good, even if we are 100% firm about what happens to them.

You can also try one of these home remedies for dogs as an adjunct to a conventional medication or treatment. Always check the contraindications or side effects of each essential oil or recipe. But don’t forget the importance of your dog’s medicine cabinet.

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