Reproduction And Heat In Cats

Reproduction and heat in cats

Cats are one of the most sexually inclined domestic species out there. This can be a problem for cat owners, especially if they live in an apartment. The best thing to adapt to this period is to know it and that is why here we tell you some things about reproduction and heat in cats.

General characteristics

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Cats are very sexual animals and the first thing to know is that their sexuality goes in cycles. Female felines are seasonal polyestrics, and in their most fertile periods they do their best to attract the male and this is known as the heat period.

Sexuality is stronger in females than in males, as females begin to mature sexually at around 6 months of age and reach sexual maturity at around nine to ten months, while males do not mature until dwarf.

When mating a cat, it is best to choose a male that is more than one year old and a female that is more than 10 months old, to ensure that both have fully matured sexually . The relationships between excessively young specimens are not advisable and it is always advisable to have an experienced specimen, either the female or the male.

Genetic or environmental factors

The sexual cycle of cats does not depend only on their physiology, but also on external and environmental factors. Although the males are capable of always mating, the females need favorable periods that occur every two or three weeks, despite the fact that the peak periods of heat are from September to March, with the ideal times being spring and early summer.

In addition, there are certain factors that determine the activation of the hormonal system, such as the length of the day, the ambient temperature and the presence of other cats within the same enclosure. The affection that the owners provide, the heat of the heating, a complete diet, the place where they live and the light received are factors that determine the special behavior of the female.

Likewise, pets that live indoors can be in heat all year round, although the specimens from the southern hemisphere have their cycle opposite to those from the northern hemisphere. As in humans, the cycles also depend on each cat in particular, although there are general differences, such as a difference in sexual maturation between long-haired and short-haired female breeds. For example, Siamese twins can have their first cycle at 5 months and Persians at 10 months.

Periods of the sexual cycle

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The sexual cycle of felines is divided into four phases: proestrus, estrus, metaestrus and anestrus.

The proestrum lasts between one and three days and is also known as the courtship stage. In this period, the cat’s appetite increases considerably, as well as its affection towards the owner. Her vulva gets bigger and her meows are higher and shorter. It will be more restless and will begin to insinuate itself to the males, but it will not let itself mount.

The next stage is estrus, which lasts four to six days if mating occurs and ten to fourteen if it does not. This is the period of greatest sexual receptivity in the cat, her meows are louder and louder and she uses them to call the male. Has sudden and noticeable changes in behavior and urinates frequently in corners and corners to attract males.

The metaestro is the shortest stage. It lasts 24 hours and is often considered part of estrus. At this stage the female aggressively rejects all males who try to get close. The last stage is the anestrum, which if the female has been fertilized lasts two months and if not two to three weeks, which is the rest of the sexual cycle.

Behavior of the cat in heat

Cats in general begin to be much more affectionate and playful after six months, when they begin to develop sexually. However, when they are in heat proper, their meows are intense and they urinate all over the house in hidden corners and corners because the urine serves as perfume for the cats in the neighborhood.

Because the cat is one of the most sexually oriented domestic species, spaying and neutering are options that should be taken into account. Veterinarians assure that they do not have side effects for the cat and it is recommended and beneficial because it prevents diseases and unwanted behaviors.

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