The First Swimming Pool For Dogs Is Inaugurated In Madrid

The first pool for dogs opens in Madrid

Summer doesn’t just overwhelm us. Our canine friends also suffer from the effects of high temperatures and appreciate cooling off by drinking fresh water and bathing. How to alleviate this in the cities? It is not easy, among other things because most community pools do not welcome dogs, nor do they allow their entry. You need to find a pool for dogs.

In the town of Brunete, in Madrid, Dog Campus has been opened. It is a park of more than 9,000 square meters, fully fenced, so that dogs and owners can enjoy very special moments of leisure.

Everything is prepared so that even the most fearful or older dogs, with less mobility, can do different exercises, games, cool off, swim, or do the rehabilitation they need.

The best environment for owners and dogs. A pool for dogs

your dog in summer

For those people who have the need for their dog to be loose, without having to worry that something might happen, this project is the ideal setting. It is in the middle of the field. Each animal will be at its own pace, without any concern that it may disturb someone or get scared.

The water has a depth between 80 and 90 centimeters. The access to the enclosure is beach type, so that all kinds of animals enter, cool off and play.

Hours, rules to be followed in the dog pool

The pool opens its doors from Thursday to Sunday from 12.00 to 19.00, and will be operational until September 30, whenever the weather permits. Once the summer is over, the park will remain open and will offer different rainfed options for the enjoyment of dogs and humans. The entrance fee with the open pool is € 10 with a dog and € 3 without a can.

In the organization of Campus Perruno they advise contacting them before going to give some basic guidelines. Using a simple form that can be sent over the Internet, dog owners can check availability for the day they plan to go and make a kind of reservation.

The established rules are those related to common sense and minimal organization. In this way, people cannot bathe in the water, as it is reserved for dogs, although they can accompany them in some cases, if the animal is older, has excessive fear of water, or if it is disabled or rehabilitating.

Dogs with a tendency to aggressiveness must be controlled by their owners, under their responsibility. Females that are in heat cannot enter the enclosure.

An innovative project

This swimming pool farm for dogs in Brunete is the first in Spain of its kind. The first weekend of its opening the facilities were full, with almost one hundred vehicles. In addition, there have been many messages of gratitude, support and help for the improvement of the facilities, etc. The pool owners are satisfied and excited.

Autor: Scott Horvath
Author: Scott Horvath

Although the star place is the pool, expressly designed to facilitate bathing for animals, with a maximum depth of less than a meter and bordered by the closest thing to a beach, the project is in evolution. The idea is to achieve an attractive natural environment so that animals and people can connect with nature. In addition, a part of the benefits of the project is destined to help, rehabilitate, shelter or adopt abandoned dogs.

When the bathing season is over, there are more options for dogs and their owners to enjoy exercise, yoga, crossfit, places for dog games and activities, workshops, etc. The owners of the facility want this dog campus to become an inclusive space for people with dogs, or without them, where they can keep the animal loose, without a harness, leash or muzzle, and that this does not imply a fine.

There are other options too. The farm or some space on it can be rented for parties, barbecues and other types of events or activities with dogs. In it there is a space called “La cabañita”, created specifically for meetings, parties, celebrations, etc.

The farm currently has 9,000 m2 of park in a total of 30,000 m2 . But, as we say, there are expansion plans. The response from users and customers is being greater than expected.

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