Dogs In Gaza Already Have A Shelter

Dogs in Gaza already have a shelter

In regions punished by armed conflict, where human life often loses value, few options seem to remain for someone to take care of the fate of animals. However, a glimmer of hope always blooms. And today we can count that the dogs in Gaza (Palestine) already have a shelter.

Dogs, victims of armed conflicts and extreme religious interpretations

But in addition to -like people- suffering the consequences of the aggressions of the State of Israel, the dogs that inhabit the Gaza Strip have to deal with an “internal enemy”. Some extremist interpretations of the Qur’an consider dogs “unclean” and only admit them as guardian or hunting animals. That is why certain Palestinians, in the midst of their daily tragedy, care little about the fate that the furry ones may suffer.

Yet not everybody thinks like this. This is the case of Said al Ar, who opened the first shelter for stray dogs. It is the Al Sulala Association, for protection, rehabilitation and training. This has awakened in the Palestinians, as expected, reactions of incomprehension, but also of solidarity.

Thus, in a southern suburb of Gaza City, in a 2,700-square-meter shelter, there are about 75 dogs, and also some cats.

Some facts about the first dog shelter in Gaza

Said al Ar, 45, is passionate about dogs. Some time ago he directed a cynological unit of the police, specialized in the detection of drugs and explosives. Displaced from his post in 2007, when Hamas took control of the area, he decided to use his time and knowledge to help the abandoned animals.

For this, he invests a good part of the salary that the Palestinian Authority continues to pay him, in addition to resorting to donation campaigns at the international level.

The main objectives of the Al Sulala Association are :

  • Pick up the animals in a street situation.
  • Provide them with veterinary care and adequate food.
  • Train them.
  • Give them up for adoption, under the commitment to care for them and treat them well.
  • Increase public awareness of the respect that animals deserve.

    Humans and dogs in Gaza, a relationship that changes little by little

    Refugio de perros en gaza

    The task of the Association does not seem easy in a society that distrusts stray dogs, poisons them and even shoots them when they approach children or orchards.

    It is even mentioned that the authorities, who do not have a defined policy on the subject -especially due to the lack of means- came to use toxins to eliminate them. But the practice had to be interrupted so as not to affect people.

    However, the situation seems to be changing little by little and more and more people arrive at the shelter, especially children who are looking for the friendship of a dog. In addition, constant calls are received from people who advise where there are abandoned animals, so that they can go to rescue them.

    Al Sulala Association, a project that seeks to expand

    The association has volunteers who, among other tasks, visit restaurants and other businesses daily that donate meat scraps to feed dogs and cats.

    In addition, the authorities promised to give them a five-hectare plot of land to expand the shelter and thus house all the street animals.

    There, Said al Ar dreams of installing a large home for dogs, together with a pet food factory and a veterinary clinic so that all the abandoned animals can be cared for. May Allah and men accompany you in this beautiful task.

    Source of the photos:

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