What Can Be The Deadliest Animal In The World?

In the animal world there are many species that, due to various characteristics, can be considered lethal to humans. Here we show you some.
What can be the deadliest animal in the world?

The animal world is as fascinating as it is dangerous, as there are a handful of species that can be considered the most lethal animal in the world. In nature, species have diverse survival and predator mitigation strategies, some of which are lethal to humans. Other living things are simply hosts for some fearsome parasites.

When we think of dangerous animals, we usually have in mind fast carnivores like the lion or the tiger, or perhaps large animals like the hippopotamus or the great white shark. However, despite the fact that these animals have been involved in attacks on humans, none are among the most lethal animals in the world.

Surprisingly, the animals that cause the most human deaths per year are, at times, so close to our society that it is scary. Here we show you.

5. The tsetse fly (10,000 deaths per year)

The fifth most dangerous animal on the face of the earth is an old acquaintance of microbial disease experts. These are the flies of the Glossina genus , known as tsetse flies. The lethality of this animal, which causes up to 10,000 deaths a year, is not caused by the insect itself.

Their terrible danger is due to the fact that these insects are vectors of pathogens. One of them is the protozoan Trypanosoma brucei , which causes African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness. This condition threatens millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa.

Sleeping sickness is transmitted by the bite of a fly infected with the parasite. Afterwards, it passes into the blood and then into the brain, causing significant heart and neurological problems. Without treatment, the parasite can lead to coma and death. 

Tsetse fly

4. The domestic dog (25,000 deaths per year)

It is surprising to find the most faithful companion of man on this list. Yes, dogs kill about 25,000 people a year from bites, most of which are the result of contagion of rabies.

According to a BBC article, in many developing countries dogs are not vaccinated. Thus, only in India 40% of deaths from rabies occur globally. Quite a surprise for what is considered the most common pet on the planet.

3. Snakes (50,000 deaths a year)

Following our ranking , the third most lethal animal on the planet encompasses various types of snakes. These reptiles often use their venomous bite to hunt prey or to defend themselves from predators. While they strangely attack humans, there are several very dangerous species.

The most poisonous snake

The indoor taipan ( Oxyuranus microlepidotus)  is the snake species with the most venomous bite in the world. This is native to the deserts of the Australian Outback, where hardly any people live and therefore it is difficult for it to cross with a human. Its danger is that its poison can kill a man in less than 45 minutes.

The most common poisonous snake

The gariba viper ( Echis carinatus ) is one of the snakes that causes the most deaths per year. Although its venom kills 10% of those it bites, it frequents populated areas and is very stealthy, causing many deaths.

2. The human being (440,000 deaths per year)

Although this may seem like a trick answer, it is the correct one: human beings are the second responsible for the highest human deaths per year.

Apart from the enormous impact that Homo sapiens has on other species, the truth is that we are a huge threat to ourselves. According to the United Nations, in 2012 there were about 437,000 murders worldwide, although the figures are very different depending on which country we are in.

The lesson is clear: humans should fear other humans more than animals.

1. The mosquito (almost 1 million deaths a year)

A mosquito biting.

The deadliest animal on planet earth is a pesky little insect: the mosquito. Mosquitoes are transmitters of diseases as serious as dengue, Zika, West Nile fever or the dreaded malaria: this disease transmitted by the  Anopheles mosquito alone claims 600,000 lives a year.

Although there are many species of mosquitoes, they are easy to find in many parts of the world and coexist in humanized environments. This may explain the enormous lethality of this pesky little bug.

Therefore, when we think of lethal animals we should not think of the fearsome crocodile or the huge grizzly bear: we must look at those near us, most of which transmit diseases.

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